
    was wondering how you guys were doing to upload your pictures on here ,i use photobucket but there to big when i post them i use half the page when i upload a picture 🙁

    The Tattoo Forum

    when you are making your post if you scroll down a little you will see a manage attachments button

    i have attached an image of it to show you.

    you just click on that and it will let you choose the file either from your pc or from a remote source and it shows as an attached file.

    If you have any problems let me know and i will make the available space for the files bigger.


    If you know the url of the image (ie..http://blahblah.com/blah.jpeg) you can post it using the insert image button (it looks like mountains and the sun on a yellow background).


    i think im gonna have to shrink my pictures there all like 200kbs and over or the next pictures i takei’ll see if the settings on my camera are set right

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