    krystal b

    Why is it that when ever someone sees a tattoo they like, they have to copy it? I mean how many superman logo, nautical stars, and Asian symbol tattoos are out there? Why can’t people just get their own ideas of a tattoo instead of coping others? I had designed a perfect tattoo for myself, that had alot of meaning to me and I showed it to a few of my friends and family. I just found out last night that one of my so called friends stole the design and had it tattooed on them. His reason, as he claims, was so we could have matching tattoos. He showed it to a few of his buddies and now all of them are getting it tattooed on them as well. Do you think this is wrong? I mean he didn’t even ask me if he could use it. And now I’m afraid that my design, which I made so I wouldn’t have the same tattoo as someone else, is now going to become the next superman logo or something. Is it wrong for me to be mad? What are your thoughts on this matter?
    I showed them the finished tattoo. And some how he found the design in my room when I wasn’t home.
    I’ve tried thinking of ways to change mine, like adding or covering up something, but they all ruin the meanings behind it. I put a ton of meanings into this one tattoo design. The only person who knows the real meanings behind all the detail is my tattoo artist because he asked me what everything ment when he was tattooing me.
    It was on my skin and it was the carbon copy that he stole. His looks exactly like mine.
    I didn’t mean to put people down or to offend anyone. I was just making a point about how everyone gets the same tattoo. What’s the point of expressing ourselves with tattoos if we all get the same one?

    Major Strife

    I have mixed thoughts about this, on the one hand I’d be flattered that someone thought my design was good enough to use, but on the other if I’d told this person that I designed it only for me and they went ahead and used it without permission then I’d be narked to say the least. I’d also be a little freaked over the wanting matching tattoos thing.

    In your case I’d be very worried that they were able to access your room and had been snooping through your belongings – what else of yours have they taken? was this the first time they’ve taken something from some?
    If he used the same tattoo shop I’d take your design back to them, explain that it has been stolen and is being used without your permission and your copyright infringed – that you request they refuse further tattoos using it as you are enforcing your interlectual property rights.

    I have one design which I based on someone elses because I liked the basic overall shape (it’s a sun) but my actual tattoo is unique to me – then again there is only a finite number of things you can do with a sun.

    Beth H

    Check out http://www.youthoughtwewouldntnotice.com
    they have an open blog where you can post stories of people stealing your art, and you can read others stories and what they did in response.

    And you absolutely should be mad. What an awful friend. If he entered your room and stole your drawing, who knows what else he is capable of. Drop him.


    Lol, your friend went into your room when you weren’t home and took the design? Please, this sounds like a really lame made up excuse for some attention. Are you even old enough for a tattoo?


    next time u design a tattoo keep it to yourself to prevent someone copying or stealing it and get it done asap. i thought it was wrong to steal someones design for themselves on the other hand they could have thought it a form of flattery (but may gone wrong). i would be ticked off if someone copied or used my art or designs without asking. i would ask him why he got it done if the design had no meaning to him then tell him that it has no meaning to u since he’s the one who got it.


    I think thats quite rude, especially when he says he wanted to have matching tattoos instead of just saying sorry, but it was really great, which im sure you wouldve appreciated a lot more.
    really dont worry too much
    take it as a form of flattery.
    good luck hon!


    As a tattoo artest i can tell you one simple rule do not show your design to any one until it is done! Then ask your tattoo artest to give you the carbon copy for a keepsake. If then your mates still want the same design, they have to ask the tattooer to make one. This is not easy as it sounds, as your Friends will not be able to explain it exactly, and will most likely end up with something totally different. Or they will have to pay to have it drawn up, most people wont pay for that unless it means something to them. so keep it to yourself until its in the skin> Or go see you Tattoo Artest they might have some idears about what would work you you while keeping it true to your feelings.

    And don’t blame us if people all want a symbol they cant read


    So umm… can we see what your idea looks like?:p No seriously, I’m sorry to hear that happened to you. I’d be pissed if that happened to me.

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