
    so i was looking at buying a delux tattoo kit form http://www.elementtattoosupply.com and was wondering if anyone bought this kit before and how they like it. im barely getting started with tattooing, so any help or tips would be appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚


    @ink_addict714 25708 wrote:

    so i was looking at buying a delux tattoo kit form http://www.elementtattoosupply.com and was wondering if anyone bought this kit before and how they like it. im barely getting started with tattooing, so any help or tips would be appreciated ๐Ÿ™‚

    im not advertising

    but a montreal tatoo artist , SAFWAN ( one of the best in montreal ) is building tatoo machine , and everyone who used them in montreal think theyre awesome . hes doing convention around the world so theyre probably a bunch of other great artist who use his machines .

    http://www.tattoodles.com/magazine/culture/125/ you can see an interview and some of his work s , hes a great tattoo artist .




    theyre whole website is in reconstruction unfortunatly but hes a well known tattoo artist and he use the machine he build and so does other known tattoo artist .

    i would trust his machine 100 % … if theyre good enough for him … theyre probably good enough for any artist . :):) .

    just check it out … and probably everyone who knows Safwan would tell you the same .

    he could probably help you better in choosing the right machine for you . specially if your starting .

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