
    Hello guys/girls,

    I am planning a mini eurotrip this summer and am thinking about getting a tattoo done whilst there.

    Im wondering if anyone here knows of a reputable tattoo artist who works in europe?

    I will be gettin my family crest with possible flames around it, if it makes a difference.

    I am definatly going to France, Holland and Spain but am prepared to go elsewhere if the artist is good.

    So, anyone you can reccomend seeing?

    Macky Electroline

    Google Angelique Houtkamp, she works at Rob admirals shop in Holland, Both of them do amazing work


    Are you aware how big europe is? Its really not somewhere you just pop from Italy to Scotland for an afternoon to check an artist out. I’d find a style of work you like first and then try to home in on a specialist. Excellent alrounders are pretty hard to come by anywhere in the world.

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