
    Ok, I have a scar on my leg and it has a metal plate under it. I was wondering if it would be painful to have a tattoo done over it? Im just wondering if the vibration from the needle hitting the skin with the plate under it would do anything weird.


    Hi Mate. I think it would depend on how bad the actual scar tissue was, and how recent the injury? No doubt it has had time to heal properly. Everybodys pain tolerences are totally different. Skin textures etc. It would be possible to tattoo over it yes.

    American Infidel

    I think you should be fine. If its been a couple years then you should be A-ok. You figure the needle only goes just under the skin its not like a shot. And for the vibration i really dont have any idea. if you really want it then get it and you can always come back to have him finish it later if it does start to become a newsence.


    nah you will be fine. this might help you understand


    Oh wow I have never seen the Tattoo Process in a picture form before… thats pretty cool!!

    With that in mind Im sure you’ll be fine Giggles.

    Heh your name reminds me of:


    Pay no mind to me if you don’t understand… sometimes I don’t understand either. 😮

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