
    here is my little girl Tia, she is on a very long journey of fruit practice, she says that she has no plans on rushing either.. there is 8 yrs before she can even get a tattoo legally.. she allready knows how to set the machines up, she knows the different needles configs and the way they work.

    she loves drawing and never stops, she has drawn everyday since she could pick up a pencil..

    (please note the acrylic inks are only practice ink and go nowhere near real skin)

    i know this will begin a debate because she is only 10 yrs old, but if she is seriously interested then why not let her practice, she aint going near real skin for a long time, and even working on fruit she begins by hand sanitising before picking her machine out of the cabinet. and she cleans down afterwards as if it had been a human and she even alcohol wipes her machine ready for next time
    And with respect she wont touch her machine unless i am with her supervising..

    but at least she is doing is cleanly and safely, not like some people on the forums.


    I think it’s excellent practice and I see no problem so long as there’s supervision. Wish her good luck from me. =)


    thats cool u let here do that. and with u being right there i wouldent see anything wrong with it. good luck to her.


    totally awsome and great gotta learn somnetime if thats what she likes wow man cant belive she sets up and does it on her own thats amazing


    I think its great, kids practising when young means they will grow up to be very professional, good for you.


    wow…. thanks everyone, i was surprised…….. i expected to get some negatives in the replies.
    i will post some of her practice pieces up, if and when she gives me permission to do so….


    i like the fact she even has gloves on to make sure there is no crossfruit contamination goign on :D:D

    Outlaw;33860 wrote:
    wow…. thanks everyone, i was surprised…….. i expected to get some negatives in the replies.
    i will post some of her practice pieces up, if and when she gives me permission to do so….

    Well i think its totally WRONG!! its teaching her bad things!! she will grow up to be a hoodlum!!

    LMAO :p:p

    You know im joking!!

    I think your lil apprentice is a fantaastic young lady and has amazing parents to guide her along the road of life!


    Ahh bless her! This is your daughter right?
    I can’t see anything wrong with it at all!
    It’s just a medium of art, after all!
    If you were letting her tattoo people’s skin, I might have something to say about it (although anybody who would let a ten year old tattoo them would probably deserve whatever they get lmao), but as long as she can’t harm anybody you’re just letting her practice and develop a skill – and with 8 years of practice, perhaps she’ll be someone to watch out for in the future!! Good luck to her! 😀


    I’m hoping at least one of our children will want to learn the art of tattooing, one of my sons says, “Mum why cant you just look normal without tattoos like everyone elses mums?” bless him lol:rolleyes:


    Haha that is very cool. If it’s what she wants to do and if you approve I don’t see the problem, plus I think it makes great father-daughter bonding =)


    hey dude thats heaps cool you got a little apprentise

    im only 18 and i have a 26 year old apprentise


    Dude I have never seen anything that I have approved more of. You’re awesome, and she kinda rocks.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    Awesome…totally awesome.


    Well, in my opinion it’s never too early to learn good habits, which she obviously is…………….as already pointed out, she’s probably going to be some one to watch out for in the future. I’m a great beleiver in letting kids practise something they have an interest in. Bless her, she looks so serious!

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