
    thanks for all the kind comments, she is doing real well and is taking it all in nicely. i dont want to swamp her with loads and loads, but more of a let her take it in at her own pace…. she dont stop practice drawing though and would spent 12 hrs a day with pen and paper.


    just imagine the art she’s going to produce when she’s old enough to be doing it for real!!! She’ll be loaded outlaw, no need to worry about your retirement im sure she’ll help out lol:D


    That is awesome.
    I always wished my parents were tattoo artists so that maybe when i was little i could’ve been inspired. Always have wanted to be able to give tattoos but know i would puss out if i ever tried.

    I say if she wants to do it…let her go for it. Everyone always says is your going to dream…dream big and who knows what will happen. Props to the parents!


    That is very very cool…she looks like she has been doing it forever!!! Cheers…

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