
    do tattoo artists care if you want to get the same tat as someone else? maybe they have done before custom?


    Some do some don’t, —I know my guy has had requests to do mine on someone else and he turned them down even though I told him it didn’t bother me that someone else wanted it done.(as long as mine was finished first)

    I’m not going to get into the ethical issues here, some people will want something that only they have but at the end of the day if you see it on the web there is nothing stopping you lifting the design and taking it to a good tattoo artist who would be able to adjust it to make it individual to yourself be it change of colours size placement or whatever.

    My policy on the matter as a collector is where possible I will buy the design and if its based on someone else’s work (something from deviant art or whatever ) I will try and get in touch with the artist to seek permission to use it (acknowledging him in any future promos of it) this is not always possible as some of the artists have moved on or don’t check their accounts very often you your then left with the dilemma —should I or shouldn’t I use it

    how many Marvel or DC Superhero tattoos or Walt Disney characters have you seen tattooed on people ? don’t suppose they asked the owners if they could use the copyright images

    So far none of my current WIP is stock flash (even the Dragon arch has been alterd)—have plenty of off the wall stuff on my arms and never once asked if the tattooist had the rights to use it (never thought about it) custom work —well as I said right at the start down to the artist — how many copy’s of David Beckhams (or any other famous persons) tattoo are there out there —quite a few but I should imagine only the one done by the Man himself 🙂


    my friend has deliberately noit put pics of his tat on here and has not shown it to many people for fear of someone else having the same thing.

    It was designed by a guy in evil from the needle in london so its a completely custom piece but i wouldnt imagine he would do it on someone else exactly the same. custom pieces should be just that. one offs

    turbosatan;34013 wrote:
    my friend has deliberately noit put pics of his tat on here and has not shown it to many people for fear of someone else having the same thing.

    It was designed by a guy in evil from the needle in london so its a completely custom piece but i wouldnt imagine he would do it on someone else exactly the same. custom pieces should be just that. one offs

    Totally agree with that,(though it’s a shame that others don’t get to see good workmanship / concepts) there’s also the fact that what looks good on one person does not always look as good on another, (skin composition ability to absorb Ink artists ability ) I’m sure we’ve all scoured the net looking for fresh ideas and inspiration at some time or another, I know I spent one weekend looking through 20 gigs of flash and didn’t use any of it in the end:)


    I do a few custom pieces, the client gets to take a copy of the artwork home and i will only display thier tattoo on my website if they allow me to. I have original custom work in my books that has been tattooed, but it is not for sale. I dont like tattooing my original stuff on more than one person, especially when its specifically designed for the one person.


    na you should never copy someones piture you should always make it your own

    how would you like to see your tattoo on someone else


    By definition, flash is there for everyone to get a down and dirty, quick piece of ink. Because I’m a jerk, I kinda look down on flash work tattoos due to the fact that ink is supposed to express yourself and your artist, not something somebody scribbled down half-assedly. In my mind, the only real use flash has is to give you a starting point to imagine something far greater.

    But copying someone’s custom work, identically…that’s just dick man. It’s taking something that they dreamed up, something the person uses to help define themselves, and stealing it. To be completely honest, if I found someone walking around with one of my tattoos, all of which are deeply custom, I’d do my best to put him into the hospital; it’s that big of a violation, imho.

    Now, using someone else’s work to inspire yours, that’s 100% kosher, but a direct copy isn’t.

    Just like turbosatan, I have many friends and associates who refuse to allow pictures of their ink for fear someone might steal it. Hell, one of them always wears a long sleeve t-shirt, in in the depths of summer, because of it (though to be fair, his work is extremely killer).

    So, basically, what I’m saying is that whether or not your artist is willing to do it, it takes a colossal dick to even think about copying another person’s tattoo directly.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    I agree with Knight Hawk.

    I’ve looked on the internet at tattoos..just to see what everyones into and such.
    But i would never take a picture to the tattoo artist and tell them i want the same exact tattoo in the same exact place. I would be kind of embarressed to walk around with it on knowing i took from somebody else.

    Im all for the person thinking of ideas out of their own head to put on their own body. I mean if your going to get something permamnent…you should put some thought into it right?

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