Im getting a quote sunday at 1:00pm on my back right shoulder. been scheduled for a month so im excited.
“You Taught Me Everything
And Everything You’ve given me
I always keep it inside
You’re the driving force in my life”
For my moms cause we have a really close relationship. I just want to hear some feedback. Thanks
That’s a whole lotta text. Got any imagery going with it?
Love. Peace. Metallica.
Nope, just the text. It’s a perfect size for my right back shoulder with the four lines. 27 font with a nice font I found online.
Sounds like a nice tattoo to get done.
You sure we cannot tempt you to get some symbolic imagery in there – your back will be lonely!
Take care
yea boyz to men lyrics…
and I dont think any imagery is happening anytime soon ha. Im perfectly ok with the text. thanks people.
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