
    Hi, just wanted a bit of advice really. I’m booked in with my regular artist for him to rework an upper arm tattoo that I’m not happy with (done by another tattooist) but, stupidly, i didn’t cover up enough today, didn’t put enough factor 50 on, and have got myself sunburnt, not really badly but was just wondering if he will do the work……….? I could kick myself, it didn’t even seem very hot today either. Any advice…….I have blathered it in after sun and am intending to keep myself well covered tomorrow in the hopes the redness goes down a bit.


    Hi Vizzie

    You can get away with tattooing on a small amount of redness but this is not advisable as it is really painful and the skin already inflamed making it harder to work on.

    I would recommend applying some ice to the area and seeing if the swelling has gone down (the red raised area).

    If not personally I would wait and rebook.

    Take Care


    Thanks Matthew, it seems that today my arms are not too bad, the worst area is on my shoulders and upper back, i think my tattooist may be able to do the work, if not i shall have to reschedule my appointment. Thanks for taking the time to reply. If i get it done i will post my new pics, before and after!


    all i can say is owwwww!!

    Izarrasink;41978 wrote:
    all i can say is owwwww!!

    LOL…………actually it wasn’t too bad, as I said in my last post the main sunburn stopped just at the top of my arm, just missing the tattoo area so it was virtually pain free!! Well almost, just the usual stinging and burning, you know, the regular pain!!! Goinb back in a couple of weeks to get the rest of the shading done. I thought i had a ‘before’ photo on my mobile phone but it seems that i wiped it off, my friend remembers me doing it, she said i was really peed off about it I caouldn’t bear to see the pics………..completely forgot I’d done that…….old age and bad memory springs to mind. Never mind, I’ll post a piccy of today’s work once one has been taken, and then another of the finished work.

    I am pleased that I could get it done as I have had to wait for this appointment…….didn’t want to re-book if I could help it.

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