
    Whats up people, I am looking at getting my first tattoo. I have been looking into Polynesian tribals and designs over the past few months. I really like Dewayne Johnson’s design on his left arm covering part of his chest and back. What would something of that detail/design cost and the expected hours? I am a newb to this I wanna know what to expect. For those who haven’t seen the design here are a few pics


    Thanks alot!


    Something that detailed is going to cost you a pretty penny, but the right tattoo is well worth it. Be prepared to spend a few hundred $200, possibly even more. It really all depends on who you go to though so be sure to search around and don’t just settle for the first place you walk into without doing a little bit of researching on an artists work. As for time it will probably be quite a few hours for a quarter sleeve/chest/back portions like that. My half sleeve took 7 hours, with two sessions. But if what your wanting is black it wont take that long. Dealing with one color isn’t as time consuming as dealing with several colors. Hope this helped. ๐Ÿ™‚ Have fun and enjoy your first tattoo!


    The good artists out here in BC tend to seem to run somewhere from $150 to $200 an hour.
    They’re worth it though. If you’re going to put something on your body for good you want it done right. ๐Ÿ™‚



    For something that size you are looking at roughly $800.
    Choose a pro artist and it is always worth the money.

    Take Care

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