
    Hiya – I had a tatt yesterday on my leg and the aftercare advice sheet says that I should soak it with a hot shower two times a day until it has healed. With all my previous tattoos I was advised not to get it wet as much as I could help it (from what I remember), so this seems like weird advice to me. Any ideas? ๐Ÿ™‚


    There are plenty of methods that you will hear on how to care for a tattoo but based on the shop I work at, the care instructions say that showers are ok for your tattoo because the water is moving whereas in a lake or pool the water is suffocating the skin with no room to breath. As for just using hot water to heal it, you need some kind of lotion. Some of the best stuff in MY opinion is Aquafor lotion. But any nonscented lotion works.


    thanks.. the thing is is that they have said specifically to run it under a hot shower for 5 minutes twice a day… so it’s not just saying it’s okay to get it wet in the shower but to actually run it under the water intentionally. Oh I’ve been using bepanthen which they recommended. Usually I just use savlon but they said that this stuff is much better so I’m giving it a go ๐Ÿ™‚


    Hi Methadone

    I have written a free tattoo ebook to answer the basics so it makes life easier. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Click on my signature link and then choose chapter 10. Click on the header and it will take you into the various tattoo aftercare that are currently in use.

    Hope it helps.

    Take Care

    Sherav;42629 wrote:
    Hi Methadone

    I have written a free tattoo ebook to answer the basics so it makes life easier. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Click on my signature link and then choose chapter 10. Click on the header and it will take you into the various tattoo aftercare that are currently in use.

    Hope it helps.

    Take Care

    Fabulous, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

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