
    hello again ๐Ÿ™‚

    So, I’ve been wanting a specific tattoo for years now, and afer speaking to Ian yesterday, he confirmed my fears. if i want this done, it cannot be a small one due to the detail and shading involved. So I am curently thinking of alternative ways to get my tattoo without having a huge copy of the following on my back:

    This is the back of the St. Benedict’s medal. First Exorcist and Patron Saint of my family. There is a nice story behind the medal and although I am not a religious nut, I have much faith in it and everything that means. Without boring you with long stories, I can tell you that faith and the marvelous work of doctors and nurses made possible for me and my son to survive against the odds. I was hospitalised at 24 weeks and gave birth at 28 weeks to a beautiful but very small little boy (he weighed 1 lb!). I spent 3 days in ICU afer that and then another 3 weeks in hospital recovering. My son, bless his heart, spent the first 3 months of his life in 5 different hospitals and fighting for his life. We were lucky, and we both returned home healthy and ready to be a family.

    During that difficult time, I tried to concentrate on all the positive things and hoped and prayed for the best… I could do with everybit of help I could get. And when Lexx was sent to St. George’s in London in grave condition, I passed my medal to him (I have had this medal since I was 18, everyone in my immediate family has one… very Italian, I know lol). So St. Benedict travelled to London inside a little teddy bear which remained in my son’s incubator until he was released from hospital. Now, he has his own medal somewhere safe in his room where he won’t find it and try to chew on it lol.

    Two years later, it is time to get the tattoo i told myself I would get. My main problem is that I do not want a huge replica on my back or arm. I was thinking of something a bit dainty and smallish. What you see on the back is the first letter for the blessing, first regarded as an exorcism, nowadays more a blessing of protection than anything else. So to make it more personal and not a big tattoo, I thought I could only have the full blessing written in Latin instead of the medal itself, written in a nice calligraphy style.

    I wanted it on my left wrist, but as it is quite a long prayer, it may have to be more than 2 loops I think. If this is not possible, then I don’t know where I could have it done as the spot left on the centre of my back is for a specific tattoo I want and I don’t want to hide the blessing tattoo by placing it on my thigh.

    So… after this long post (sorry, really meant for it not to be that long!) could anyone advise where I could have it done if not on my wrist? all I know if where I don’t want it: biceps or inner arms, thigh or center of my back.

    Thanks in advace for the help in brainstorming!



    Was that Ian of Reading you consulted on your tattoo ?? if so where is he working now as his shop in Reading closed down a few years back and i’ve been keen to get some work done by him.



    Yes, it is Ian. The shop moved to Oxford Road and it is called No Limits of Reading now, but if you look on the yellow pages website under Ian of Reading, you will get the phone number for the new shop ๐Ÿ˜€

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