
    Guys got my Tattoo soon WOOO!!!

    Now im having a side peice done and trying to think what will be the easiest for the artist clothing wise so put some low jeans and a little sports top? Thought this will save rolling up tshirts into bra ect.

    Do you think this will be ok.

    Now just got to stand the pain of my ribs being done lol!!


    sounds alright !

    good luck with the tattoo
    show us pics when your home ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Dont worry I will they will be on tonight feeling a bit sick at the mo!

    But I m a pain as when they put transfer ct on I tend to pass out! But fine when actually tattooing good job their patient with me.


    Good luck with the tattoo!!
    oh my.. i got loooooove side tattoos ๐Ÿ˜€

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