ok my friend got this tattoo and i want to know what it means.
and please be serious because last time ppl were being childish
Why don’t you just ask your “friend”
Any chance of a clearer shot – cannot make out anything properly from that.
Take Care
cant make anything out from the pic. does your friend not know him/herself ??
she waz drunk wen she got it an she juz hope it dnt say nuthn stupid
evn doe it probly mite..but i juz want sumbodi who may no wat it means so i can tell her
im still searching through my chinese dictionary but it looks like the symbol shang, the second symbol in this image. it means Injury or wound- this version is a simplified symbol but it can be drawn more complicated. still searching though. x
sorry its not the showing the second symbol, it also looks like yong – a symbol for bravery but as of yet havent found an exact match though the black outlining and closeness of the symbols makes it hard. Dont worry bout mistakes happens even to sober ppl, my bf just got a tattoo in chinese thinking in said outlaw and actually it’s telling all the chinese people he’s an escaped/ released convict/ prisoner 🙂
evn doe it probly mite..but i juz want sumbodi who may no wat it means so i can tell her
Lol, likely story.
Why doesn’t she have an account, and just post herself????:confused:

lol thanks thats like the most decent answer or sum type of response i got so far
hopefully it will say “”” im stupid, i got this done while drunk”” or possibly “” this artist is a prick for tattooing drunk people””
i have not got much time for people that think its great to have a tattoo done when they dont even know what they are getting……
on the other hand though, i feel sorry for people that get a piece of kanji done but the meanings are different to what they wanted
Why don’t he just go down to the tattoo studio and check out the album where he found the tattoo.. usually the meaning of the tattoo will stand right below the design.
This is why you never should get tattooed when ur drunk.. :/ A friend of mine tattooed a spider between his thumb and index finger on the left and and a spider web on the same spot on the right hand.
Turned out great though.
yea but hey its a lessoned learned
but she wants it gone..like what could she do besides laser stuff
she told me something like she could go back to the place and they could get some ink that matchs here skin tone and just cover it up..yall think that would work
but she wants it gone..like what could she do besides laser stuff
she told me something like she could go back to the place and they could get some ink that matchs here skin tone and just cover it up..yall think that would work
That sounds a bit weird.. I don’t think that would be very wise. You can see it’s a tattoo anyway, and if she is out in the sun and get a tan, the tattoo won’t be taned it would look really weird.
What I recommend is laser or use a knife and cut the whole thing away, nah just kiddin about the last one.
It is possible for the artist to cover it up with another tattoo.
But just use a color that match your skin.. i don’t think that is a good idea, I don’t think it’s possible either because the tattoo is black. Take a black pensil and fill something on a piece of paper.. then take orange or something and try to cover up the black.. not possible.
She can have it lightened and THEN color over it maybe, but seriously, I wouldn’t try that..
If she decides to cover it up, chose another artist. It’s not much serious business if the artist tatooes a drunk chick. He deserves a fucking slap.
I would ask Sherav or Outlaw about this, they know very much about stuff like this I would think.
if using a skin coloured ink would get rid of tattoos then why would people spend so much money on expensive laser removal ????
open your eyes,
From looking around, it appears to be Chinese meaning Buddha.
It is interesting to note that this word is separate from all others in the Chinese language. The sound of “fo” has only this meaning. This is in contrast to many sounds in the Chinese language which can have one of four tones, and more than 20 possible characters and meanings. This language anomaly shows just how significant Buddhism has affected China since the ancient times.
This character is also used with the same meaning in Korean Hanja.
It’s used in the very religious context of Buddhism in Japan. It should be noted that there are two forms of this Kanji in use in Japan – this is the more formal/ancient version, but it’s rarely seen outside of religious artwork, and may not be recognized by all Japanese people.
It also acts as a suffix or first syllable for many Buddhist-related words in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
Hope this helps put your friend at ease of mind.
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