
    Any opinions?


    Hi and welcome, sorry no unlicensed tattoo discussions here, its not a teach me to tattoo forum.


    …. Im not asking for someone to teach me. I wasn’t asking for any techniques or how to do anything. I already have that knowledge. I was just curious as to what everyone’s favorite brand was for power units. Is this not allowed?


    No, Cody it isn’t allowed.

    Here’s the deal. If you apprentice as a tattooist, your mentor will teach you what power supply to use. But if you can’t get that information because you are not an apprentice, then you will come to a forum like this and try to get it here so you can get on ebay and buy what seems to be the most common and well used power supply.

    But we aren’t here to help you become a scratcher. Sorry if that seems harsh. Izz told you the discussion was not allowed, I’ll let you know now that as a moderator, she will lock your posts down if you insist on asking those questions here.

    There is a place you can learn. Look up Outlaw’s profile and PM him for information where you can go to join a forum that allows that type of discussion. Until then, we welcome you here and we will enjoy talking to you about tattoos, and tattooing, but we will not discuss equipment or technique here with you. Sorry.


    Well put thankyou S.Neil


    I wasn’t trying to be rude. I already know my favorite. Im not a scratcher. And I understand where your coming from. I was just looking for some friendly conversation. And in my opinion which i’m sure most of you dis agree with. It does more damage holding back information from scratchers then lending it. Cause they are going to do it either way. And if they are then at least they should know how to do it the right way. Of course with a HUGE BOLDED WARNING of what they are getting themselves into. And to heed with caution on their journey into the tattoo world.

    Just a personal opinion.
    I’m sure there are plenty of places and forums for that and you guys don’t want this to be one of them. Understandable.

    Cody_McE;47072 wrote:
    I wasn’t trying to be rude. I already know my favorite. Im not a scratcher.

    so what shop are you working at ??? how long ya been a pro ??? who was your mentor ???


    I apprenticed at Gizmo’s Tattoos in Dallas, Tx about a year an a half ago. I was there for a couple of months. Long enough to learn about sterilization and the process it takes to make a Tattoo. I wouldn’t consider myself a pro, but I wouldn’t consider myself a scratcher either. I havn’t been really serious about getting started until recently. I’ve just been hanging around with different experienced tattoo artist and absorbing as much information as possible. And I’ve been practicing on fruit and that fake skin shit and myself. I know every part to my machine. Which i am actually investing in a Fusion from time machine today hopefully ๐Ÿ™‚ And a digital power supply, you know one of those fancy ones that shows you the duty percentage and how many times your needle skips. I actually got it for $60, not a bad deal eh?

    My graphite work is amazing, and I have complete confidence that my tattoos will be of the same caliber. I know I have a lot to learn and most of that will come from experience.



    Well I would be interested ins eeing your design work if you want to post some up.

    Take Care


    Sure thing ๐Ÿ™‚ I will have some work up in the next couple weeks if you wanna keep track of my profile. I don’t have a way of getting them on the computer right now but hopefully soon =]

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