
    I am fairly new to tattooing, Don’t even have a formal apprenticeship yet. Did the typical no no of trail and eror on myself and a couple friends they really didn’t turn out bad.

    Here I am at a cross-roads in my life, I have been into art and tattoos for as long as I can remember. Now unemployed I tuned my gun up, and am seriously thinking about getting an apprenticeship or at least a shop to hang out in and maybe learn some.

    Any pointers??:confused:


    Hi and welcome, this forum does not allow unlicensed tattoo discussions, it’s not the place to come and learn about tattooing, however if you pm our member Outlaw he may help you out..:)


    ok… fair enough. even though i don’t think there is a licence requirement here. would you know of any more novice acceptable forums?


    PM sent…………i dont need a license in my area to tattoo either, but these are the rules of this forum 🙂


    didnt know you had to have a liecence to post here.. im not trying to be an asshole but thats kinda how tattoing started.. One idiot said to another idiot, lets make this perminant.. the other idiot didnt say “do you have a permit to do that?”… just saying..

    as of pointers, if its what you wanna do dont let anyone tell you that you cant.. keep your head up.. because i can promise you, that you will run across so many haters in this biz, best to keep the advice, good or bad.. and let the negativity roll threw one ear and out the other because you dont wanna get discouraged…and if anyone tells you that your unable to tat, smack them across the face because what makes thier right/left arm so much diffrent from yours?.. did they come out of the birth canal tatting the inside of it?.. probibly not..

    If you need practice and you arnt half bad, there is so many poeple that would love a free tattoo!(crack heads), regardless of skill level.. that is how i got started.. i was enthused by it and my homeboys said they didnt care how it looked just if i got famous then they’d have my first ones on them haha.. and i will make it there one day, its been 3 1/2 years but im not stopping


    I think what the staff here are trying to do is make it where it is safer for people to get ink done. First thing is first, it is not, and never has been a “gun.”

    But the point that most “scratchers” don’t get, besides learning technique by doing an apprenticeship, is you also learning the importance of cleanliness. The thought of most not understanding how to properly clean their equipment, and keep from spreading disease is one of the main resaons that unlicensed tattoo discussion is not allowed on this site (in my opinion.) Most people that do quality work, have served an apprenticeship. It is kinda a slap in the face for someone that has no formal training just jump in there, and start throwing out trash. Don’t get me wrong, there are many artists out there that have not served an apprenticeship, but they do great work. But it took most of them years to get to that point.

    A local shop near me has a sign that fits very well in my opinion. “Good tattoos are not cheap, and cheap tattoos are not good.” Most will agree with that. I will follow the rules of the site, and not give any technique tips or anything here, but if you insist on doing this, please search the web, and read up all you can on keeping everything as clean as you can. There is no room for error. If you don’t properly clean your equipment, you could end up giving someone HIV, Hepatitis, Staff, MRSA or others for example. Are you willing to live with the thought of seriously messing up someones life? As I said, no room for error.

    That is all I will say hopefully the Turbosatan (the boss) or Outlaw, or Izarrasink won’t think I have gone too far in my comments. I also hope you don’t think I am talking bad to you or anyone else. Keep it real, and keep it clean!

    manax;47550 wrote:
    didnt know you had to have a liecence to post here.. im not trying to be an asshole but thats kinda how tattoing started.. One idiot said to another idiot, lets make this perminant.. the other idiot didnt say “do you have a permit to do that?”… just saying..

    as of pointers, if its what you wanna do dont let anyone tell you that you cant.. keep your head up.. because i can promise you, that you will run across so many haters in this biz, best to keep the advice, good or bad.. and let the negativity roll threw one ear and out the other because you dont wanna get discouraged…and if anyone tells you that your unable to tat, smack them across the face because what makes thier right/left arm so much diffrent from yours?.. did they come out of the birth canal tatting the inside of it?.. probibly not..

    If you need practice and you arnt half bad, there is so many poeple that would love a free tattoo!(crack heads), regardless of skill level.. that is how i got started.. i was enthused by it and my homeboys said they didnt care how it looked just if i got famous then they’d have my first ones on them haha.. and i will make it there one day, its been 3 1/2 years but im not stopping

    If you want to discuss technique, how to tattoo etc, then yes you do need a license and you would be posting in the pro section, discussing it with other artists that KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING!!!

    manax;47550 wrote:
    didnt know you had to have a liecence to post here.. im not trying to be an asshole but thats kinda how tattoing started.. One idiot said to another idiot, lets make this perminant.. the other idiot didnt say “do you have a permit to do that?”… just saying..

    as of pointers, if its what you wanna do dont let anyone tell you that you cant.. keep your head up.. because i can promise you, that you will run across so many haters in this biz, best to keep the advice, good or bad.. and let the negativity roll threw one ear and out the other because you dont wanna get discouraged…and if anyone tells you that your unable to tat, smack them across the face because what makes thier right/left arm so much diffrent from yours?.. did they come out of the birth canal tatting the inside of it?.. probibly not..

    If you need practice and you arnt half bad, there is so many poeple that would love a free tattoo!(crack heads), regardless of skill level.. that is how i got started.. i was enthused by it and my homeboys said they didnt care how it looked just if i got famous then they’d have my first ones on them haha.. and i will make it there one day, its been 3 1/2 years but im not stopping

    You are an idiot, and you take an idiot’s view toward’s tattooing. I feel sorry for any other idiot that lets you tattoo on them. You have no regard for anything other than getting your own way and doing whatever the hell you want regardless of the damage you do to others. Tattooing has been around since pre-history. As long as man has had the ability to think, they have been tattooing, and that skill has ALWAYS been passed down to others through the medium of teaching, because there is so much to know that you can not learn it all on your own.

    Not just about technique…any idiot can learn technique through trial and error. Without a teacher it will just take you five times as long to learn it. No technique is just a plus. How do MACHINES work? Not Guns. How fast do you run them for lining? How fast for shading? How fast for color work? Do you use an 8 coil, a 10 coil or a 12 coil? And why does that make a difference? What is the difference between a liner and a shader and a color machine? What needles are use3d for what? How deep do you go, how do you keep from overworking an area?

    How do you sterilize? What precautions do you take when you tattoo someone on blood thinners, diabetics, and why don’t you tattoo drunks? Can you tattoo pregnant women? Why? How do you properly sterilize? How do you prep a work area for sterilization? What are the dangers of communicable disease? How do you avoid it? What do you do if you think you might have contracted? Do you even know if you are clean?

    What are you doing to someone when that needle runs in too fast? How do you identify it when it happens? How do you correct it? How do you treat infection? Do you know how to identify infections? What types of inks are dangerous? What colors are dangerous? How do you identify when someone has an allergic reaction to an ink? How do you deal with it? What causes epileptics to seize during a tattoo? How do you avoid it? What do you do if it happens? If a person starts a cold sweat while you are tattooing what do you do? If they say they are getting dizzy what do you do?

    You and other people like you are idiots and I detest people like you. I have an artist in my studio who learned to tattoo on his own. He found mentors through the internet, and learned on his own. He invested money to learn and can answer most of these questions if not all of them from memory. He learned on his own and had a great respect for the art, which is why he has a job here now, but people like you I wouldn’t spit on. You are the ideal example of an idiot.


    And one more thing. A few years ago there was a man who decided he wanted to do things his way and damn anyone who didn’t like it. He did a huge tribal piece on a guys leg. The leg got infected, rotted a hole all the way to the bone. The doctors excised the flesh around the hole, but the deterioration didn’t stop. They ended up having to amputate the leg at the hip including a good portion of the hip bone.

    You want to know why it happened?

    Because this idiot used ink with ammonia in it and he didn’t have the faintest idea how to determine that. Because calligraphy inks and tattoo inks are very similar, he purchased a gallon of calligraphy ink called Black Satin. He was trying to save money. Black Satin uses Ammonia as a binder. He didn’t know that. Because of that a perfectly healthy man lost a leg and part of his hip.

    God save us from Idiots!!!

    flying eyeball tattoo
    manax;47550 wrote:
    didnt know you had to have a liecence to post here.. im not trying to be an asshole but thats kinda how tattoing started.. One idiot said to another idiot, lets make this perminant.. the other idiot didnt say “do you have a permit to do that?”… just saying..

    So you’re just basically saying you don’t mind a bit if tattooing was kept in the stone age without advancements or improvement. You’re saying any IDIOT can be a tattooist and you’re trying to prove this by mocking the entire industry with 3 1/2 years of being a confessed scratcher.

    manax;47550 wrote:
    as of pointers, if its what you wanna do dont let anyone tell you that you cant.. keep your head up…

    If you had quit there it may have been a good statement. What you should have said is “Keep your head up and accept the fact that this is an advanced skill career that requires proper training and education. There are NO SHORTCUTS to becoming a professional. Would you be willing to trust a wanna be surgeon who “taught himself” using kitchen utensils as surgical instruments? I have some pliers and a cordless drill. I know what teeth probably should look like. Maybe I can be a Dentist tomorrow? Why not? I bet there’s a crackhead or two who’d let me right?

    manax;47550 wrote:
    If you need practice and you arnt half bad, there is so many poeple that would love a free tattoo!(crack heads), regardless of skill level.. that is how i got started.. i was enthused by it and my homeboys said they didnt care how it looked just if i got famous then they’d have my first ones on them haha.. and i will make it there one day, its been 3 1/2 years but im not stopping

    No. The longer you continue being a scratcher the less likely you’ll ever be considered a professional. Famous? You’d have a better chance of winning the NY Lottery, from Afghanistan. You lack the basic common sense, self respect, respect for others and integrity to be considered an apprentice. Or do you think we just hand those out to anyone?


    Well put guys, i’m going to let this thread run, maybe an idiot or two may learn something from it.


    You know, I really don’t have a problem with people learning outside of a formal apprenticeship. I wish they would get one, its better for everyone involved, but like I’ve said in other threads, most apprentices don’t get paid, and when you’ve moved out o Mom and Dad’s house, its hard to support yourself on no paycheck. So some people have to learn outside of a formal apprenticeship if they are going to learn at all. Sure, I think they should make the sacrifice and learn the way I did, but not everyone can.

    So if they are going to learn on their own, they should at least have some respect for the danger they are causing, or could possibly cause. Like Eyeball said, give me a drill and a good idea of what a tooth looks like, and hell, any idiot can be a dentist. What makes your drill better than mine? That attitude kills people, it gives the art I dedicated my life to a bad name, and ruins people’s skin. If other people have no regard for what their tattoo’s look like the artist Should.

    Manax I feel sorry for you, and anyone who listens to you.


    If you need practice and you arnt half bad, there is so many poeple that would love a free tattoo!(crack heads), regardless of skill level..

    I gotta say that the attitude here really disappoints me on so many levels 🙁

    First of all they are still people and some may think you are their friend – calling somebody a crackhead and suggesting they are only fit for branding like cattle..

    Can you imagine if you had some artist in years to come working on your kids with the same attitude??

    Seriously you need to look at that statement and evaluate where you are coming from.

    Take Care


    Matthew, you are so much nicer than I am…Is that an English trait?



    It is because I am an utter bastard at work 8-10 hours a day. It takes so much out of me but that is the way my work is.

    There is no room for weakness or kind heartedness – so out of work I try to be me.

    Thanks anyway it is a nice complement!

    Take Care

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