
So I’d like to get my first tattoo soon and I want to it be based on the symbol of a musician who changed my life(Tiesto). I love it by itself and think it’ll make an awesome tattoo, I just need help deciding what I want it to look like and where I want to put it(Symbol in question: http://media.photobucket.com/image/nyana/fawsitt1990/nyana.jpg).

I showed the idea to a friend and he pointed out that tattoo’s that are just plain and black can be pretty mucky and boring; http://twitpic.com/zl2xv tattoo in question is the one on his right side, minus the frilly, curly, flowery looking border.

He suggested I add some sort of texture too it, sort of like http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3242/2753798470_2989ddae61_m.jpg. Which I like more than the first I linked, however I think its a bit too much and that the texture detracts a bit from the original design, not a fan of how big it is either.

As for the placement, I’d like it to be in a spot thats not too hidden by clothing(so easy to show off/be seen if I’d like). Under my bicep on the inner side or the upper inner side of my forearms are places I’ve considered so far.

Like I said though it’s my first tattoo, so both design and placement suggestions are based on what little information/suggestions I’ve had thus far, any information or ideas from any of you all here are greatly appreciated, thanks!


I wouldn’t suggest getting your first tat somewhere that isn’t covered by a tshirt. If you end up not liking it or not feeling as good about having a tat as you thought you would, you will have to look at it all the time. Whereas if it is covered you won’t think about it as much.

Plus people WILL look at you differently if you have ink showing. You will be viewed in a negative light by 90% of the people you interact with that don’t know you. This doesn’t bother me, but it might you. And if it does you have it forever.

I’m not trying to scare you, I love my ink especially the ones that are on my lower arms.

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