
When it comes to *this* subject, I most certainly am.

Males need to WAKE UP!


It’s amazing how you can not understand that many men LIKE wearing suits. Just like you like wearing your costume (I don’t know the correct english word for it)
That YOU feel oppressed and stupid wearing one, does not mean it IS oppressing or stupid, nor does it give you the right to preach to others and make them feel stupid for wearing what they like.


I don’t know about “many”, but of course there are some men who like to wear them. There are men who like to walk on nails too!

But the real problem is the requirement in so many places that men MUST wear suits/ties. This is both unethical and immoral.


When you work at McDonalds you MUST wear grey suit-pants and a yellow buttoned shirt, with a yellow hat (I forget the actual colors, but you catch my drift). If you don’t accept this simple prerequisite, you find yourself a different job.

When you work as a stewardess you MUST wear a blue skirt and a blue top with a blue hat. If you don’t accept this simple prerequisite, you find yourself a different job.

In many high-paying jobs you MUST wear a suit, which you can (for the most part) stylize a bit and control in color, both of the suit and shoes, as well as shirts and ties. If you don’t accept this simple prerequisite, you find yourself a different job.

None of these are unethical or immoral. It’s conforming to a set corporate image. Again, if you don’t like it, you simply find yourself a different job.

ArniVidar;99334 wrote:
It’s amazing how you can not understand that many men LIKE wearing suits. Just like you like wearing your costume (I don’t know the correct english word for it)
That YOU feel oppressed and stupid wearing one, does not mean it IS oppressing or stupid, nor does it give you the right to preach to others and make them feel stupid for wearing what they like.

This. ^

ArniVidar;99336 wrote:
In many high-paying jobs you MUST wear a suit, which you can (for the most part) stylize a bit and control in color, both of the suit and shoes, as well as shirts and ties. If you don’t accept this simple prerequisite, you find yourself a different job.

None of these are unethical or immoral. It’s conforming to a set corporate image. Again, if you don’t like it, you simply find yourself a different job.

And this. ^

Wearing a suit has nothing to do with collectivism and the suggestion that it’s unethical or immoral demonstrates a lack of understanding for both words. These are simply cultural or organizational norms (depending on the context). Certainly, wearing a suit or uniform is a form of conformity, but we must all conform to some degree in order to live in a society. When I see or hear of someone abusing a child or animal, my one and only desire is to seriously harm or kill them, but I refrain from doing so because society requires it. Some people may prefer to go out naked, but they have to conform and wear clothes (or move to a place where there this is legally permissible) or they will end up in jail. What about taxes? What about driving in accordance with traffic laws (at least to the degree of not driving recklessly)? You can push the whole “rebel without a cause” ideology all day long, but it sounds pretty foolish if you are indeed an adult.


A suit just is more professional looking.

Which one of these guys would you rather take investment advise from?


buttwheat;99347 wrote:
A suit just is more professional looking.

Which one of these guys would you rather take investment advise from?

Does the guy in the suit have any tatts?

JENerationX;99352 wrote:
Does the guy in the suit have any tatts?

Yes he does

buttwheat;99353 wrote:
I have no idea the second one is just a random guy off of the internet. I guess to be fair I should have posted a pic of me in a suit.

My boyfriend has a tattoo on each forearm and biceps. Wearing a dress shirt and tie with the sleeves rolled up so the ink shows is the hottest thing ever. Just saying.

Being in a suit doesn’t mean anything to me other than a sense of professionalism. There are people I work with that wear the full suit coat etc… other’s wear dress shirts with embroidered designs, no tie, dress pants, and designer shoes. They both look professional. I can see Zorba’s point that it doesn’t HAVE to be a suit, but it makes it easier for the guys that aren’t going to take the time to put something else together.

On the other hand…. It’s just clothes. There’s plenty of room for expression through shirt colors/patterns, ties, shoes, cuff links, watches and rings etc.

I may choose the guy in the suit, or the guy in some kind of professional, put together looking attire. I’m DEFINITELY not taking financial advice from the guy in the board shorts and Beevis & Butthead shirt.


To be fair to Zorba since it is a picture of him that I put up I changed the second one to a picture of me.

ArniVidar;99336 wrote:
When you work at McDonalds you MUST wear grey suit-pants and a yellow buttoned shirt, with a yellow hat (I forget the actual colors, but you catch my drift). If you don’t accept this simple prerequisite, you find yourself a different job.

When you work as a stewardess you MUST wear a blue skirt and a blue top with a blue hat. If you don’t accept this simple prerequisite, you find yourself a different job.

First off, neither of these are a suit! They both look good enough, and are generally comfortable to wear…

In many high-paying jobs you MUST wear a suit, which you can (for the most part) stylize a bit and control in color, both of the suit and shoes, as well as shirts and ties. If you don’t accept this simple prerequisite, you find yourself a different job.

None of these are unethical or immoral. It’s conforming to a set corporate image. Again, if you don’t like it, you simply find yourself a different job.

Requiring someone to wear something as hot, tight, and uncomfortable as a suit is both unethical AND immoral. Women won the right to wear what they please in the 1960s – but Goddess forbid any guy challenge the status quo and think for himself. Men’s wear is stuck in the early 19th century – largely because men are Troglodytes. I’d say 18th, but at least then men were “allowed” to have long hair – which is STILL a problem in the friggin’ 21st century! Don’t get me started on men’s earrings and other jewelry!

And I’m not just talking jobs either (although this does underscore my “slave’s attire” point) – this “requirement” pervades our society – which I, of course, ignore totally. Yet, I have NEVER had any problem walking right into a “suit required” restaurant (or any other venue for that matter) as the people there take one look at me and realize that I’m dressed in a very classy manner and welcome me with open arms.

It has been estimated that billions are being spent EVERY DAY in energy costs trying to keep guys in suits and ties halfway cool. Then the women run space heaters under their desks because it too darn cold for them! Wearing a WOOL jacket and necktie makes ZERO sense unless its deep winter. The article I read this suggested that men’s wear “get real”. No kidding!

Most (not all, but most) men of my acquaintance HATE the suit and tie, yet feel they MUST wear same under “whatever” circumstances. No they don’t. Its time for a men’s lib movement – way PAST time! Looking like one of a row of identical stuffed penguins is both dehumanizing and humiliating.

Thanx for posting that picture of me – its one of my favorites although its hardly my formal wear. It shows off my tattoo rather nicely though, don’t you think?

Enjoying the debate…


I like wearing suits, and they are very comfortable. The one’s that aren’t are probably cheap rubbish. Just like with tattoos, you get what you pay for.


Too hot, too tight, way too heavy, too confining.

I want space around my neck, short sleeves, and light fabric unless its cold. My legs need to be free!

Zorba;99236 wrote:
True enough – but then again I won’t be caught DEAD wearing “full business wear”. Neckties and suits are the attire of slaves – the “male burqa”. Don’t just say “no”, say “HELL NO!”.

I love it – I usually go to work in shorts and a t-shirt ! :D:D:D

Zorba;99366 wrote:
Women won the right to wear what they please in the 1960s

I don’t know what fairy tale you’re living inn, but women have to abide by the same standards as men in a professional work environment. My mother is a VP at a large hospital and she is absolutely required to wear a suit each and every day. In fact, she has been required to wear a suit at every single one of the last 4 companies she worked at in the past 20 years as a top executive.

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