
I’m a keen mountainbiker/bmxer. I have been wanting to get some more work done for a while, but always worry that I will fall off my bike and tear up some nice fresh ink.

Now an interesting opportunity has come up – I’ve broken my collar bone:)..

I have some time on my hands while the bone heals, and wondered if once the healing is well underway
it might be a good time to get some work done. I appreciate that on the face of it, it may sound like quite a stupid idea, however I cant ride or work right now. I have plenty of time to look into designs etc and allow any tattoos to heal :rolleyes:. I’ve broken my left collar bone, and would like to get work done on my upper left arm. So questions I have:-

1. Does anyone have any experience of working near recently broken bones?

2.Would the process of getting a tattoo done nearby a broken bone have any detrimental effect on its healing?

3. Now I know getting a Tattoo done can hurt. Is the tattoo gun gonna really irritate the broken bone, or are we just looking at normal tattoo pain.?

Any thoughts/ideas would be appreciated.



You should always avoid getting inked when your immune system or anything else in your body is haywire.
It could simply prolong the healing time…or lead to easier infection.

That being said; I assume you’ll be fine.
As long as you’re at a stage where taking your splint off for a period of time is OK by your doctor, my guess is you’ll be gravy.



You should not get any work done near or on a broken bone.

The broken bone area requires a lot of blood and oxygen to heal and a tattoo is a fresh wound that draws this away creating more pressure on the body. Also the virbration can irritate the broken area if close by.

Your immune system will also be under pressure so yes it may feel more sore in some cases.

That said if well enough away from the break you should be able to get it done without too much hassle.

Take Care

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