What do you all think about my tattoo? It is a Japanese style tiger. It is on my inner hip around to my butt.
very nice mate 🙂
That is one very sweet tiger.
Love the colours.
Take Care
Great colors. It looks good. Wear it proud.
BEAUTIFUL! The colors are amazing. what kind of products do you use to keep you tatoos bright and to help heal it fast?
looks great. congrats. i love the eyes. who was the tattooist.
Used A & D ointment for two days and Lubriderm fragrance free lotion about every hour there after. I had no ink bleed and no scabbing. The colors are even better now – two weeks later!
Jay Cavna at Sanctity Tattoo in Tucson, AZ.
excellent piece of art, VERY well done
That is sweet. I could lick that up. In fact maybe tonight we’ll get busy.
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