
Hey everybody!

I’m new around here and figured that I would try to get some recommendations on finding a very talented, detail oriented, experienced tattoo artist that can create very realistic 3D bio mechanical tattoos.

I live in Michigan and am willing to drive a reasonable distance to get inked!!!

I’m looking to get an entire sleeve done!

Nuts, bolts, gears, pulleys, chains, sprockets, belts, etc…..

I know everyone’s got their favorite tattoo artist but I’m looking for a very specific artist.
Again – someone that knows how to create very realistic 3D looking screws, bolts gears and other detailed pieces. Very, very detailed, robotic type of work.

Thanks for any help or direction!


there arent really that many good biomech artists out there. the closest i can think of is anil gupta, but he is all the way in ny. i dunno if guy is still tattooing, but he is in illinois.


Yes, Anil Gupta.

That’s EXACTLY who I was looking for, but didn’t know his name.

Thank you so much!


no worries. post pics when u get it! he is badass!

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