
Real quick question(s?)

I got my shoulder tat on Thursday Afternoon, and my artist recomended Aquaphor, Its now Day 04 (Monday) and slight peeling has begun. What I want to know is

1) Since its began peeling, do I still use the Aquaphor? I’d rather not let the flakes fall overly much and damage my tattoo, but I want to keep it moist, Will applying it damage it?

2) Or should I switch to some non scented lotion like Lubriderm? I’ve heard from people to just keep using the Aquaphor, and I’ve heard its now time to switch.

I know everyone’s healing phase is different, just really want a consensus

Thanks 😀


Switch to a small amount of lotion a couple of times a day. Rub it in but be gentle and don’t peel it, the flaking is normal but let it flake naturally.


I do 3 days of aquaphor, then switch to unscented Curel.

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