Theres a big difference between a rock band making it and becoming a tattoo artist/piercer friend.
Definitely agree.. Like any tattoo, it’s a devotion. I don’t know how big a fan of South Park you really are, but it very well could possibly one of those tattoos down the road that make you think…
But there’s not such a difference between a rock band becoming rich and famous and a tattoo artist becoming a world renowned artist, which was my point.
Based on all of your posts here from thinking it’s funny to destroy your mum’s house to tattooing areas that will severely limit your career options before you even have any career options, it’s obvious that your still have a lot of growing up to do so we were just trying to help. You’ve obviously made up your mind though so good luck.
Based on all of your posts here from thinking it’s funny to destroy your mum’s house to tattooing areas that will severely limit your career options before you even have any career options, it’s obvious that your still have a lot of growing up to do so we were just trying to help. You’ve obviously made up your mind though so good luck.
Well if none of it works out i can just carry on with the job im doing now which is a “Fitness Instructor” and ill just do my level3 and nutrition and become a self employed Personal Trainer 🙂
Is it selfish for me to say you should do it because I want to see it? Seriously, though, make sure you put a lot of thought into it before you do it. Think back to the things you loved when you were five, twelve and sixteen. If you still love them all and are not embarrased by anything I’d say you have a good chance of enjoying your tattoo into your old age.
I love Southpark. I think if you designed it right it could come out pretty sick.
Tattoos can represent a time in your life that was important or memorable to you. I don’t think it matters if in 20 years no one thinks South Park is cool anymore. If this tattoo has significant meaning to you, then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
If done by a good artist, this tattoo could look great, even to those who don’t like South Park.
What are everybody’s opinions on this?
Personally I think its an awesome idea as I am doing the same 😀 but a half sleeve! Gunna get Kenny as an angel, hitler cartman, tron stan and jersey shore kyle, mysterion and professor chaos and towlie, chef vader and possibly randy in his boxers playing guitar hero – if there’s enough space. Getting it next weds, SO excited 😀
Don’t forget Mr hanky
I think it would look amazing, I love that show. Just make sure who ever you pick as your artisit is top notch and make sure you add towelie in somewhere!
I’d say that it’s very clear that you’re very young.
south part annoys the piss out of me so in my opinion I’m not a fan of the idea. but since you’ve already got cartman done then fuck it why not go all out?
if it annoys you why post on here? 🙂
to tell him to go for it! people are going to like what you do and people are going to hate what you do regardless of what you actually do.
divergent spectrum is amazing
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