Not a tribal like you see all the time. I’m looking into Filipino tribals since I’m half Filipino and I’m thinking it would be perfect to complete my sleeve on my right arm. 🙂
Those big lines that goes around your wrist / arm?
They’re similar to Polynesian tribal in style and in telling a story of who you are. I want to do my whole upper right arm, shoulder, chest and part of my back.
If anyone could design a cover up for my barcode I would be very grateful really want to get this awful tattoo covered up
Not sure if you live in a big city but maybe a silhouette of downtown.
Thanks for the Idea not sure I would want that tho keep searching the net but can’t find anything at all
I’ll say it again… anything you cover it with is going to look even worse, and you’ll regret it even more. LASER the bitch. It’s cheaper than cutting your arm off.
If you were a hair dresser this would be the perfect cover-up….
LOL! That could actually be about the only thing that could cover it up 😀
Lol that’s funny
i want to meet you to just shake your hand! l0l :p:p:p
How do you feel about black fire wrapped around your wrist? That would certainly cover that barcode up.
Or a half sun… like it’s a sunrise/sunset sort of thing.
Then again, there’s always that comb lol. :p
Yes that would work will have to go to my local tattooist see if they could draw me something up thanks
Sam for Gods sake stop being so silly.
you asked the question and got the answer.
The fact that you dont like the answer doesnt change the fact that its right.
You got a crap tattoo that you hate, now for some reason you are going to get a coverup and it will be alright?
It will be a disaster believe me I here stories like your every day.
You need to calm down, slow down and wait. Get started with some laser sessions as and when you can afford them. At some point in the future you wont have the bar code any more and you will be older and wiser when picking your new tattoo.
Sorry if you dont like my advice or the way it was delivered.
If you cover that thing up, it will be horrendous, and you WILL hate it just as much as you hate your bar-code. The only difference is that it will be even bigger and even blacker and even worse to fix… which is where the cutting your hand off bit from earlier comes in. 🙂
I will say it again, because it is the most heartfelt and sincere opinion I have ever had in this place…. please, please, PLEASE do NOT cover that stuff up with ‘black fire’ or ‘black sun’ or something like that. You will live to regret it.
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