Well you took that well. 😀 Some of those posts were really harsh. lol
im not the type to hold a grudge dude i prefare for people to be honest? Don’t want them lie to me. haha
For example buttwheat says what’s on he’s mind just the same as i do which is a good thing. He knows he won’t offend me just the same as he won’t get offended by something what somebody else says
Personally i love this tattoo might need to be tidy’d up a bit but there overall result and meaning means a lot to me and is by far my Favorite tattoo and the first tattoo that has a real meaning to me. 🙂
I like how you don’t learn from all the great advice given in this forum, makes for entertaining threads at least….
But really, the person that did that tattoo is worse than many apprentices
I just said the same thing in another thread but to me there’s no excuse to receive and accept crappy tattoos and it frustrates me. There’s too many good tattoo artists out there to continue getting amateurish looking tattoos over and over. Some of my tattoos have deep meaning, also, and that’s why I made sure to do an ounce of research to find a GOOD artist to do my tattoos. How much meaning can it have when you don’t even care about the quality? To each his own, but for me personally my standards are higher and I’m too proud to walk around with poorly done tattoos for the rest of my life, especially ones with meaning. Unfortunately I’m sure Wardy and many others will continue to get poorly done tattoos since they are in denial about the quality and make excuses for the results. It’s not my body and I’m glad you like it but seeing these kind of tattoos and listening to denial frustrates the hell outof me. Sorry for the rant.
Especially when u have the caliber of an artist like david corden so close to u. Such a shame…
where is David Corden located?
I think i told u about him in another post and either he was 2hrs away and cecil was 4hrs away or it was the other way around.
you’ve mention’d Cecil to me before but not david
nah i mentioned both. you even replied one was 2hrs and one was 4hrs awy or something like that. guess you didnt research him much. but if you want a clint eastwood tattoo, they will both nail it. david will prolly be more intricate while cecil will prolly be bolder.
I can’t imagine wardy with a cecil porter tattoo, it would look out of place.
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