
Dear Forum,

I was really keen to get my first tattoo, i decided i liked the look of something called a Wolfsangel (Horizontal), (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfsangel) and what it stood for (My understanding was that it was a germanic rune standing for strength, liberty & independance).

After so many people telling me is looks Nazi-like, and further research finding that it was actually a symbol used by the Waffen-SS, i would like to have some work done to transform it into another tattoo.

The problem is, i have NO IDEA how it could be disguised! Its on the inner part of my bicep, and looks like this:

Any thoughts and inspiration are very much appreciated.



Really depends on the size and how dark it is. Do you have a photo of the actual tattoo?


Hey mate,

Heres a pic:


I guess i could always say i like zorro hahahah NO.


Hey and welcome. It doesn’t look very much like Zorro at all so good luck with that haha.

There’s always a option of getting it lazered so you can do another tattoo over it. Other than that i can’t really think of anything apart from a black box.


In the northeastern US, I’d say to contact Tim Pangburn or Johnny Thief, both of which have a lot of experience with coverups. If you let us know where you’re at, maybe someone can recommend a good coverup artist not too far from you.


Hey guys, thanks for the replies.

I’m in Australia (melb) so i dont think theres any chance of me getting to the US to have a cover up done :p

I was thinking it could somehow be turned into a lightningbolt, or something tribal (shudder, i hate tribal), or maybe just copy the pattern and extend it a little bit to make it look a little like an ‘arm band’ (shudder, i hate arm bands)… That should get the ball rolling for ideas. As for a black box, do not want, unless its tied somehow into another tattoo so its not just an eyesore sitting there…



Anything you add to this will look tribal and horrible. I think your only way out is laser 🙁


Talk to chris nieves, prolly one of the best tattoo artists in australia.


I don’t know, man… I mean, if it truly were a swastika, I’d be the first one to drive you to the removal clinic myself. But if you just wallked up and showed that to me, I’d never think of a Nazi symbol. And I’m German.

If you liked it for the reasons you got it back when, then hang on to it. Great part about tattoos are they tell the story of our lives, or where we were in our lives when we got them. I’ve seen a lot worse than that. Unless I was horribly offended or sickened by it, I’d just run with it and tell people what it means to me.

Otherwise? It’s laser time.

Good luck with it! Let us know what you decide.


Thank you all for your replies, I’ve decided i will keep it :), the only thing i came up with about modifying it would be to turn it into something funny, like having nice colored nintendo characters running along it or something haha.

I’m happy after reading your feedback brisco.

and yodaddy, thanks for putting me onto Chris Nieves, his work looks amazing! probably get him to do my next piece!


yodaddynukka;99548 wrote:
Talk to chris nieves, prolly one of the best tattoo artists in australia.


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