New people taking offence from honesty once again, i was just saying it could of been better done.
What was this guy banned for :O ?
This is not a quality done tattoo, unfortunately. Line work could be a lot better and it looks to me like the body proportions are off. One shoulder looks a bit lower to me too. However, there is quite a bit of glare, so I could be mistaken. A pic without so much glare would be helpful! I would not be returning to this artist. You can do much better! Welcome to the forum, by the way. 🙂
One thread is quite enough, thank you.
It looks good at 1st glance, then when you look a bit longer you notice all the things the people above have mentioned.
I think it could be saved with a great artist having a go at it.
i’m afraid i also agree as will everyone else on here i think. please dont go back to this person, look up a really decent artist and ansk them to fix it up for you, yes the design needs shading, any piece like this would. The point the others are trying to make is that the shading that your particular “artist” has done is inefficient, in the wrong places, not even within the lines in some places which makes it look messy. A far better reputable artist would be able to sort this for you if you are unhappy with the way it has turned out. Good luck xxx
ah i just realised that this dude has been banned! ah man did i miss all the fun!? what happened?! lol you boys, drama drama drama! now quick… fill me in! (pm if necessary, i love a good gossip 😉 )
Please dont ban me.
Ah, I understand now. His buddy Marcello008tattoo was banned for spam, and they are one and the same person, sharing an IP… and that IP is a click-gathering bank in the netherlands. So this entire post was spam as well…. every view of that picture earns someone money.
Jesus christ how fucking sad can come dickhead’s be.
ah well, at least we got to say what we actually thought about someone’s tattoo, at least now it doesnt actually belong to a member you guys can be as brutal as you like without actually hurting anyone’s feelings lol 😉
wow just realised that was actually a whole lot of actuallys! lol
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