You guys must be good luck as today Dmitriy contacted me and booked me in for the 5th June 5 days after I am with Victor, so I wont be getting inked by this guy!!
Victor Portugal and then Dmitriy? Sweeeeet. Congrats man!
Yep thanks, well he just moved it to 6th July grrrrrrrr lol
I think these will be my inks for a while as it is costing a small fortune, might keep me content for a couple of years lol
damn lucky guy!!!!!! i would looooooove to get tattooed by him but i couldnt commit to flying all the way over there from the usa for multiple sessions. i cant wait to see pics, he is my fav artist at the moment.
I hope you don’t mind me saying that I truly hate you right now!!!
I am so looking forward to it. Now I have to just think up a theme lol
Yeah USA is kinda far but the USA has insane artists! Wasn’t he just at the Detroit awards? He won best sleeve, best realism and best female tattooed, maybe a few more. He deserves it.
I am travelling from the UK but I will be driving there as I will stop on the way there and back at some places I haven’t been yet.
Was he at the detroit convention? Didnt even know. Even so, i have no more room on my body for him…
I think the person who got ink from dmitry entered the contest and sent him the awards. I dont think he actually tattooed in detroit. Could be wrong tho…
You could be right. The person I am talking to via emails is the lady that went to Detroit. Evelyne.
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