Thanks kitty =)
At least I’m not the only one who has had an issue, even after having other tattoos with no problems at all. It just sorta freaked me out because I want it to look nice, not all red and spotted lol
im sure it’ll be fine hun but if it hasnt cleared up or at least greatly imporved in the next couple of days, just pop by your docs office and they’ll be able to give you some better creams are you super pleased with how the tattoo turned out? it looks great, maybe i misunderstood but didnt you say at one point you wanted to extend the top two corners? what made you decide against the extras?
Yeah I’m super happy with it. I absolutely love it =) I changed my mind about extending the corners after I posted about it here… you have a good memory! Way better than mine lol
The red spots are almost all gone. There are a few left but they aren’t as red.
I took 50mg benadryl yesterday (which knocked me on my ass and I slept for like 2 hours lol), and was applying benadryl and hydrocortisone cream. Washed it again right before bed and left it without cream except for the tattoo itself which I put lotion on because it felt very dry and itchy.
Woke up this morning and the spots are much better Thanks for all the replies and help everyone!
Hey np, I didn’t take it personally.
The red spots are almost all gone. There are a few left but they aren’t as red.
I took 50mg benadryl yesterday (which knocked me on my ass and I slept for like 2 hours lol), and was applying benadryl and hydrocortisone cream. Washed it again right before bed and left it without cream except for the tattoo itself which I put lotion on because it felt very dry and itchy.
Woke up this morning and the spots are much better Thanks for all the replies and help everyone!
I had same thing. Having a bit of work on my back. First 3 hour sitting healed great. Second 3 hour sitting nothing different used, 2 days after getting inked I had a rash around the tattoo. Red pimple like spots and really itchy!! Did not effect the tattoo itself went away within a few days. Recently had 3rd 3hour sitting and it’s now 3days after the rash has appeared again. Last time I thought it was bepanthen but didn’t use it this time. I’m not concerned as it doesn’t effect tattoo itself! Read somewhere that it’s due to the stress that the body has been through during getting inked. Really confused lol but sounds the same as yours. Glad it won’t just me! Lol
Yeah that sounds the same! Like I said in my post, I took the antihistamines and used a steroid and antihistamine cream. Not sure if that worked, or if it just went away on its own, but I was worried there for a bit. Hope yours have cleared up by now!
I think I’m getting the same problem and I’m freaking out. After about 3-4 days I’ve been getting small pimple bumps/rash all around/on my tattoo. This is the 3rd day and its been getting worse. I might’ve been allergic to this ointment called tattoo goo. Right now I am just using antibacterial soap and a little of cortizone 10 for the itchiness. Any other tips on what to do? This is my first tattoo and its causing me so much stress.
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