Back before I ever picked up a gun myself I had a shamrock “2004” and in 2006 stars were “cool” so I told the artist I wanted a star around the shamrock. Sure enough it turned into a huge starfish shaped star, so I had to have it redone in 07 hoping it would look better. Well anyways this is what I ended up with and I am stumped, I have no idea what to do with this thing to cover it or add to it to bring it out from 2006.
I am trying to work my arm up towards it but don’t want to commit to something before I do something about this atrocity on my shoulder, if it werent for it being the LA Ink logo “and me catching hell for ripping it off lol”, the star they have with the black center/thin red outline and larger gold outline is the only thing I have thought could be a fix, other than a HUGE horror scene with big black spaces or a maori design “ugh”.