
    That looks healed enough to switch to a fragrence free moisturizer. Put the A & D away (or give it to someone with diaper rash)

    Next time try plastic wrap.

    hip toss

    sam i didnt even to start to peel yet i just touched it up on Friday


    It doesn’t look infected and that “pimple” look’s like a small spot to me, spots a very common when the tattoo is healing because of the amount of cream/oitment you are applying. I also get spots when healing sometimes, Do not pop the spot as some ink may be lost.

    hip toss

    thanks wardy if only i could figure out what that smell is on my tat is it dead skin cells that stink the smell is not strong its only when i put my noise close up i notice it any one have a clue :]


    Sometimes they can stink because of the amount of aftercare producs we use, do you wash your tattoo before applying new oitment or just apply as soon as the skin go’s dry?

    hip toss

    i wash the tattoo three times each day with dove soap after that i use the a and d cream so in other terms it would be 9.00 am then at 5.00 pm and the last wash before i sleep is at 11.00 pm wardy i got scared cause they said if your tattoo stinks then its infected i searched all over he internet and could not find anyone with a similar issue


    I know personally of one person that got an infection in a tattoo and that was because he did not follow any kind of directions. Infections are rare. If you’re washing it three times a day you should not have an infection.

    The first shop I had dealings with swore by A & D ointment. I swear at it. It’s been three days since you had it touched up. I would stop the A & D and use a moisturizer (I use Aveeno fragerance free) If the smell goes away it was the A & D. Next time get something different. Please!

    hip toss

    okey well if it was infected it would get worse everyday right


    The aftercare instructions I was given said that you’re only supposed to use the ointment for a few days after getting the tattoo, then switch to a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer (I like Aveeno lotion). You got yours long enough ago that you should just be using lotion now. I find that the A&D ointment has an odor to it.

    If its infected, it would be red, possibly swollen and painful to the touch. It doesn’t look like that from the photo you posted.

    hip toss

    my artist told me to keep using the a and d for two weeks since i got it touched up. this is where i get confused so many people a different opinions which one is the right one its a he said she said thing but thanks thaela for the advice if it does not look infected wonder why this smell is on my arm tattoo


    @hip toss 121915 wrote:

    my artist told me to keep using the a and d for two weeks since i got it touched up. this is where i get confused so many people a different opinions which one is the right one its a he said she said thing but thanks thaela for the advice if it does not look infected wonder why this smell is on my arm tattoo

    Dude, That is bullshit! A moisturizer will keep your skin from drying out but will let your tattoo breeth. A & D won’t let air get to it especially if you put it on too heavy. If you can see it shine, it’s too thick.
    You need to find a competent artist.

    (A & D ointment STINKS! It has COD LIVER OIL IN IT! You know, DEAD FISH!)


    Make sure you bitch slap that artist for me next time you get chance, aftercare plans and personal and different ones work best for different people.

    hip toss

    this is what he said to be exact after me being done with the touch up i asked him how much longer should i use a and d for he said use it for one to two weeks then when the tattoo peels over use a non scented lotion on your tattoo so


    no idea…sorry I can’t help. maybe consult your physician?

    hip toss

    thanks i guess still looking for explanations

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