Hi all, I’ve just spent some time browsing through the forums here… some really awesome stuff. I’m a ~30 year old male.
I know that my choice of a tattoo is supposed to be very personal, so I’m not asking anybody to pick my tattoo, design it for me, or anything like that. I’m just looking for some place to start, since I can’t seem to find many tattoos that represent what I want.
Not to get into too much detail, but I’ve struggled with some very serious and very dangerous addictions (both to myself and others) throughout my life. (Not illegal drugs, but alcohol was one of the problems)
I’m an atheist, so AA was pretty much a no go. I tried a couple places and they just tried to convert me, even after I explained I wasn’t interested in religion and had spent the first 18 years of my life in churches and religion – which did absolutely nothing for my problems – and I have no desire to return a decade later.
The way I finally managed to overcome was to learn to separate my internal dialogue. The voice (not an audible voice, I’m not *that* crazy) that tried to convince me that for whatever reason, doing this harmful thing was a good idea. Any dissent to not walking back down that path I’m able to separate and view it as a different part of myself (a destructive part of my brain) that needs to be ignored. I know it sounds crazy, but it turns into an internal argument.
This is *very* personal, so I don’t want to advertise the details of this to the world. However, I want it for *me*, and I don’t mind if people see the tattoo obviously. Something like a bracelet or a ring is something I can take off in a moment of weakness. This is a fight I’m probably going to have my entire life… I want to be able to look at it, and reinforce myself against ‘it’, and remind myself of what I’m fighting. I find the more I personify ‘it’, the easier it is to overcome.
- I’m not sure I want any words, because that’ll lead to inquiries and interpretations. Absolutely *no* to other languages that I don’t speak/read.
- I don’t want to directly reference alcohol or the other addictions.
- I don’t want most of the usual ‘inner strength’ tattoos I see – crosses, scripture, angels, etc. They would be meaningless for me.
- I don’t mind something ‘dark’ or ‘ugly’. One line of thought I had was some sort of creature – maybe a snake – or skull impaled on a spear. (I’m looking at possibly my inner or outer bicep, so for professional environment even a short sleeved shirt would be fine)
- I know one of the ways to get this done is to sit down and talk it out with an artist whose art you like, but I really don’t want to get into this much detail about my personal struggles with them.
- I don’t want it to be overly obvious that it’s this sort of tattoo. I’m happy with people saying ‘cool tattoo, what’s it mean?’ and me being able to brush them off with something as simple as ‘I like how it looks’ with no further pressing.
Does anybody have any advice? Any tattoos or art to look at that would be in this general area? I know it’s very vague and very broad, but I’m having a hard time locating examples for this sort of tattoo. The ones I’ve found are mostly religious or directly reference the addiction(s).
Thanks so much.
Welcome to the forum!
What a challenge. Here’s my stab at it. No religion. Alcohol is the issue. In my opinion there is no place to go but Prohibition. I don’t know if you are in the USA or where you are. In 1920 the United States of America went DRY! It was a boon for organized crime. Bootleg alcohol was everywhere.
I suggest you dig into the posters, slogans, and activities of the “Women’s Christian Temperance Union”.
Good luck, keep us posted.
Welcome mate & good on you for your goals!
You seem to know all this inside your own head and don’t want to advertise it, then why even bother with anything to do with the subject? Why not just get some beautiful art that you can enjoy and think of good times ahead? A tattoo doesn’t have to have a meaning, that’s what Miami Ink has installed in peoples heads.
Good on not wanting text
@peterpoose 131260 wrote:
Why not just get some beautiful art that you can enjoy and think of good times ahead?
Or you could do that.
Thanks a lot for reading & responding, guys.
@Sam-I-Am 131259 wrote:
Welcome to the forum!
What a challenge. Here’s my stab at it. No religion. Alcohol is the issue. In my opinion there is no place to go but Prohibition. I don’t know if you are in the USA or where you are. In 1920 the United States of America went DRY! It was a boon for organized crime. Bootleg alcohol was everywhere.
I suggest you dig into the posters, slogans, and activities of the “Women’s Christian Temperance Union”.
Good luck, keep us posted.
It’s not just alcohol I’m dealing with, that’s not even the largest portion of it – and I don’t really want to *directly* reference it. Looking more for symbolism.
@peterpoose 131260 wrote:
Welcome mate & good on you for your goals!
You seem to know all this inside your own head and don’t want to advertise it, then why even bother with anything to do with the subject? Why not just get some beautiful art that you can enjoy and think of good times ahead? A tattoo doesn’t have to have a meaning, that’s what Miami Ink has installed in peoples heads.
Good on not wanting text
I’m not familiar with Miami Ink, just looked it up an it’s a reality show… If I end up getting this tattoo, and love having it just to have it, then I’ll probably end up delving into getting tattoos just for the aesthetics of it.
I want something symbolic and important to me because I want it. Not sure how else to explain it. I don’t want to explain it to other people when they see it, but I do want it to be something for me. And worst case, if it turns out it means very little, at least it’ll look good.
As I was said before, I was thinking something a bit more symbolic… I was looking through and saw a lot of the tattoos of swords with snakes or dragons coiled around them, and was thinking about something like that but rather than a snake coiled around the sword, it was impaled on it? Still wrapped around it, but sticking through it several times.
I did find this on Google, which is along the lines of what I’m thinking of… Neil Dransfield | Customer wants snake impaled on dagger with no…
Superman beating up a liquor bottle.
@peterpoose 131260 wrote:
Welcome mate & good on you for your goals!
You seem to know all this inside your own head and don’t want to advertise it, then why even bother with anything to do with the subject? Why not just get some beautiful art that you can enjoy and think of good times ahead? A tattoo doesn’t have to have a meaning, that’s what Miami Ink has installed in peoples heads.
Good on not wanting text
Couldn’t agree more!
Maybe something like an anchor “to keep you grounded”
either way good luck and keep us posted!
I’m just thinking old, magnificent, Japanese.
You can find a lot of old symbolism in Japanese, many of which represent battle. Wouldn’t be obvious really to anyone but yourself.
Chrysanthemums have been known to symbolize endurance, and the flower itself to heal drunkenness.
@poxphobia 131301 wrote:
The flower itself to heal drunkenness.
This is a falsehood. When in horticulture school I ate a chrysanthemum when I was drunk. It didn’t sober me up but I did feel like a heel.
Carnations taste better.
Thanks everybody for responding.
I want the tattoo to be aesthetically pleasing first and foremost. If the meaning I’m intending ends up meaning nothing for some reason, I still want to like it. I really do want to avoid *direct* references, and alcohol is only a part of it anyway, not the primary part.
I did find something along the lines of what I want after Googling around some more: Neil Dransfield | Customer wants snake impaled on dagger with no… (This looks pretty detailed to my novice eyes, but I’m aware it’s not going to be cheap to have done what I want)
It’s not exactly what I want, but that’s good, since I don’t want to go to an artist with a picture and say ‘DRAW THIS’. I’d rather give him/her the freedom to design what I’m telling them.
One thought I did have, since I don’t have anything against flowers, was a Chrysanthemum in place of a dagger impaling the snake – the only problem is the focus of Chrysanthemums seems to be wholly on the flower, with very little interesting about the stem.
Thanks guys… really great responses. And yeah, it really is important to get something I enjoy aesthetically, regardless of meaning.
There are many flowers with interesting stems. Roses have thorns on their stems that might work out, but they have been done to death in tattoos, but there are other flowers with thorns on the stems.
I could see a vine of sorts. Climates, Trumpet vine, honeysuckle, etc.
I have horticulture experience and schooling and when my tattoo artist said he could make up some flowers I said go ahead.
(I’m considering the sexually active flowers from the Pink Floyd movie “The wall”)
Haha, yeah I didn’t really see it working for drunkeness either… But good to know someone tried ;D
Chrysanthemums are often used in Japanese work without being the main focus, actually. Often for adding to background etc. Not to mention, they’re great for coverups ;D
But snakes are cool! Most artists who work with japanese, old school etc, would probably love a project like that If you find the right one, they might hug you for bringing them something fun to do. (I’ve seen it happen! ;D )
Check out good artists around you, and see what they think
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