
    Dont understand why people would want the same tattoo as someone else lol done by Den Yakovlev



    I don’t understand why you are upset about this. you have beautiful artwork on your body. but don’t make it seem like you created the original image you got it from another source just as this canvas did anyone can google image that and find it and bring it into a shop. I usually just view stuff on here and your famous on here for having some of the best work. enjoy your work and let others enjoy theres the more beautiful tattoos like this there are the less scratchers there will be and the more accepted this art form will become.


    @ALEX55 136413 wrote:

    I don’t understand why you are upset about this. you have beautiful artwork on your body. but don’t make it seem like you created the original image you got it from another source just as this canvas did anyone can google image that and find it and bring it into a shop. I usually just view stuff on here and your famous on here for having some of the best work. enjoy your work and let others enjoy theres the more beautiful tattoos like this there are the less scratchers there will be and the more accepted this art form will become.

    lol Who said I am upset?

    Just making a post on forums for discussion thats all, forums would suck if we didnt post anything lol


    @ALEX55 136413 wrote:

    I don’t understand why you are upset about this. you have beautiful artwork on your body. but don’t make it seem like you created the original image you got it from another source just as this canvas did anyone can google image that and find it and bring it into a shop. I usually just view stuff on here and your famous on here for having some of the best work. enjoy your work and let others enjoy theres the more beautiful tattoos like this there are the less scratchers there will be and the more accepted this art form will become.

    I don’t think Peter has his panties in a wad over it. (Then again, he could be balled up in his bed sobbing hopelessly over this one.) I own some original art. I would be incredibly pissed if someone saw my art, commissioned the artist to do the exact same thing for them, and then I saw it. It’s just kind of sleazy. Buy a print of it – Originals, like tattoos, should BE originals. You can’t fault the artist for doing this, but you can fault supposed art enthusiasts.


    That’s is like a blueprint copy, which is disrespectful. Unless the original image is from a painting etc(I have no idea if it is), in that case, equal tattoos should be expected.
    I have a piece that originated from a painting on my back and tons of people have the same one. That, doesn’t bother me. But pretty much all of my other art work is original, not from flash, not from google. Pure originals. Some of it is even my own artwork. If that got copied, which some of it has, I’d be pissed. And I was.

    And come on, most artists would actually prefer to do an original piece of their own art work. You know, that’s kind of what it is to be an artist! 😛 Reference material happens constantly, of course, it has to, but not straight up copying. That’s something different. It really isn’t that hard to just reach out to the original artist and ASK. Artist who did my sleeve and legs mentioned he’d have a ton of people ask for the same designs, but he refused every time and gave them something unique instead.
    And I don’t see how it has anything to do with scratchers… The more popular tattoos get the more scratchers we get.


    I just can’t see myself seeing someone else’s tattoo and saying “hey that is awesome! I’m going to get an EXACT copy of it!” I can see using an image I like as inspiration for an original piece, but not an exact copy.


    At a convention once, waiting for the artist to be ready, I was talking to another artist who I had an upcoming appointment with. The one I was seeing that day came over to show him the reference material he was going to use and was told that the other artist had used that same reference before. So he responded by saying that he was going to do his own thing with it. The other artist agreed and said that he had also done his own thing with it.

    About a week before I was going to see the second guy he reposted a pic of the tattoo that he had done using that reference. They both look pretty similar. Both are awesome. But I’m not mad – because a reference was used.

    I have another piece that is totally custom. Pics of it are online on the artist’s site. If I ever saw that one again I would KNOW that they copied it from his site. That would suck. But I bet mine would still be better. 😀

    But Peter’s are the best.


    The only tattoo I have that is not original is the iguana with his tail wrapped around my leg. Had I joined this forum prior to that, I would have had it done differently.

    I think tattoos should be designed to suite your body. That’s why I don’t like “traditional” tattoos.

    (Anthony has redone the iguana and it looks much better. He told me if he had done it originally, it would be huge)


    Hey at least yours isn’t the one done by a nazi!

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