
    Hi my name is Jake,

    I got my foot tattooed on Aug 13, 2014 (16 Days Ago) and my foot looks F***** up! I have went to go see a doctor, my tattoo artist, my tattoo artist boss and nobody can give me a definite answer on what they think it is. Any help or suggestion is more than appreciated!!!

    – My foot is red in the background this started 6 days after the tattoo, the redness does go away time to time especially when I’m standing (You would think it would be the opposite)
    – The skin ontop of the tattoo is very scaly
    – It LOOKS dry & flaky but the skin is stuck and shows no sign of peeling/flaking off even with force it’s really stuck!
    – The reason why it looks so dry is because I have ceased putting any lotion on it
    – I stopped putting lotion because the cream would not help it would just damp the layer of scaly skin
    – The lotion I was using was Aveeno Skin Relief (Worked fine when I did my chest piece)

    I have absolutely no idea what to do anymore sometimes I can’t even see the tattoo anymore I’m starting to freak out any help would mean the world!

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    First; Take a deep breath. You’re going to survive.


    The flaking, the dry skin? Because you’re picking at it! Alright? When scabs come off too soon, new scabs are generated because the skin isn’t healed.
    Foot tattoos are known for taking forever to heal because they’re far away from your heart. 16 days is nothing.
    Ofc its red, you keep picking it with force.

    Now, yes it does look pretty bad. I’ve rarely seen that much dry skin, but it’s nothing serious. My suggestion; Baby it. Clean it and put a good ointment on it a couple times a day. Keep your foot elevated when possible and stop picking at it. Dry skin comes off when it’s ready to. Tattoos can take months to heal, comparing a chest piece and a foot tattoo is impossible. It’s going to heal, but yeah it might take some time.

    Izzy James

    Definately DO NOT amputate. This is not the end of the world. Can’t wait to see the tattoo though.

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