Quite often I see the money tattoo on the internet, but I can not understand meaning of it. Only the summoning money?
@Viky Scor 146113 wrote:
Quite often I see the money tattoo on the internet, but I can not understand meaning of it. Only the summoning money?
don’t get a money tatoo IMO,
to me it represents a street thug gang punk mentality.
@Anila 146114 wrote:
These types of tattoos are the most unique designs in the industry at the moment. They are not very expensive when compared to other tattoos. Moreover, they take a very short time depending on the skills of the artist.
I don’t mean to be rude but I really disagree with this,I hardly think that money tattoos are “the most unique designs in the industry at the moment”.At least from what I read and look at and talk to people about and see in shops that I frequent.
I do agree that they are probably a cheaper style of street scratcher tattoos.
Its spam.
Warm and fuzzy spam. I think my mother in law has a plate of that in her fridge. It’s been there over 6 months.
@turbosatan can we get rid of this person already? The spam is making me cranky and I’m already in a pretty foul mood most of the time…
Fuzzy spam… think I just threw up a little…
@kittykat200 seems @Amok has done so already. thansk for reporting though ill always respons to reports.
that makes me feel a little better, thanks 🙂
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