Ok so i got this tattoo about a year ago and lets just say some real shady sh*t went down and left my arm a mess. I stopped shortly after the outline. :/
Ive come to accept that it was a dumb decision and just want to move on from the situation instead of it making me feel bad 24/7. I’ve had 4 removal treatments to lighten it a little but im still not sure if its light enough to get some coverup work done. I’m pretty stressed bought it because the tattoo i want to cover is all over the bottom of my forearm and im not sure if someone can turn it into something nice. Money is not an issue and i dont mind paying someone to fix this disaster on my arm. I dont want to keep the current design of the tattoo as it sits and I would like to get rid of the lower maple leaf and building beside it with something covering it up. BTW im a light to medium skined toned black person so im not sure what my options are but im open to any suggestions or anyone that can help me out in general.
I just need some direction as in what should be my next move, who i should talk too ect. It almost seems easier to just cut my arm off lol.



