Good day everyone.. i need some expert advise here.. those artist especially into CHINESE ORIENTAL DESIGN..
I’m having my first tattoo on my back.. I like a dragon piece.. i was just wondering if is it best to have a five toed/claw dragon or the 4 toed dragon. i was searching through the web and there are articles regarding the number of toes for different country.
but in chinese culture the 5 toed is known to be for the imperial people and 4 are for the common people. but in japan, 4 toed dragon is also evident. should i use the 5 toed/claw for as to distinguish from the japanese dragons.
culture wise, it that okay for me to use the 5 toed dragon? will i not get in trouble if i use the 5 toed dragon. a bit paranoid here. i might stumble some chinese people. i don’t want them to get offended or so.
I’m chinese by the way but was born in the philippines, so I’m not familiar with this.
I’m hoping to get some advice from you and enlighten me.