looks like an easy cover IMO,find the right artist and talk to them about your ideas and listen to their ideas,but like I said,that small of a cover up is a no brainer,
I would do one like this for a cover up ![2297811a7f5b1a71c5bc2a093e563611.jpg](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/22/97/81/2297811a7f5b1a71c5bc2a093e563611.jpg)
or this ![tribal-sea-turtle-tattoo-tribal_sea_turtle_by_therebornwolf-d6ij35b.jpg](http://www.goodtie.co/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/tribal-sea-turtle-tattoo-tribal_sea_turtle_by_therebornwolf-d6ij35b.jpg)
and please don’t look for the “easiest way to cover it up”,remember,you get what you pay for.