

    Look, being a professional doesn’t mean you’re going to be good–plenty of scratchers have good credit, and can afford to open a shop. Hell, it’s how Heavens got open. It’s why you research a shop first, and listen to people who’ve patronized them–it tells you if they’re a pro, or a jumped up scratcher.

    One thing I can tell you for sure–guys who work out of their basements are, quite frankly, almost always morons with no idea. Example: check out Mr. Mirror my friend.

    I suppose I’m being a bit nasty, but I’m going through years of art school so then maybe, MAYBE I can be apprenticed and become a tattoo artist myself, and to see someone taking shortcuts to that goal, and being half assed about it, makes my blood boil. You’ve done no work, you don’t deserve it, and most importantly, you’re going to hurt someone.

    I’ll tell you what, though, every scratcher I ever met said the same as you man: I’m better than the rest of those know nothings, man. And since that shit shop over there was opened by another guy who worked out of his basement, all professionals must be shit.

    So, as I’ve sad before, albeit much more politely, you’ve no buisness tattooing unless you’ve been apprenticed. It’s how you learn the trade. If you can’t be bothered to do it, then don’t tattoo. It’s that simple.

    I hope you die of massive anal bleeding.



    Love. Peace. Metallica.

    KnightHawk;35473 wrote:

    Look, being a professional doesn’t mean you’re going to be good–plenty of scratchers have good credit, and can afford to open a shop. Hell, it’s how Heavens got open. It’s why you research a shop first, and listen to people who’ve patronized them–it tells you if they’re a pro, or a jumped up scratcher.

    One thing I can tell you for sure–guys who work out of their basements are, quite frankly, almost always morons with no idea. Example: check out Mr. Mirror my friend.

    I suppose I’m being a bit nasty, but I’m going through years of art school so then maybe, MAYBE I can be apprenticed and become a tattoo artist myself, and to see someone taking shortcuts to that goal, and being half assed about it, makes my blood boil. You’ve done no work, you don’t deserve it, and most importantly, you’re going to hurt someone.

    I’ll tell you what, though, every scratcher I ever met said the same as you man: I’m better than the rest of those know nothings, man. And since that shit shop over there was opened by another guy who worked out of his basement, all professionals must be shit.

    So, as I’ve sad before, albeit much more politely, you’ve no buisness tattooing unless you’ve been apprenticed. It’s how you learn the trade. If you can’t be bothered to do it, then don’t tattoo. It’s that simple.

    I hope you die of massive anal bleeding.



    Love. Peace. Metallica.

    Holy fuck! Did you read the last post???when did I say I was better than anyone? I dont deserve what? I dont want a shop or to be famous or any of those things. I dont even want money. I want this for the challenge of learning a new skill. Thats it. In case you didnt read the last post, I DONT WANT AN APPRENTICESHIP! Ive already done 2! so just relax, Im not taking anything away from your hard work. All I wanted from this site was some FRIENDLY advice. Your fucked in the head if you think Im taking somthing you deserve. I live way out in the bush like 900mls from the nearest big city. you ve got no idea about me.

    How do I delete my fuckin membership from this site?


    if i had the powers then this thread would have been closed a long time ago….

    there is a strict policy about unlicensed tattooist discussions.

    i would recommend that you join outlawtlattoo forum that is in my signature, they can give constructive advise to you driveshaft22



    thought id let it run its course so we have examples to show others who want he same advice.

    Anway this is now closed.

    If you ar4e wanting to have any unlicenced discussions please take a look at outlaws forum in the post above.

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