Here is one on my leg.
I’ve always been a Jodan fan so thought I would give my respect.
Now this is my sleeve in progress.
That’s it for now. I have another session in a few weeks. Hopefully have this arm done by the end of March then it’s onto the other arm.
I like it. I don’t think I’d really be able to get a whole sleeve, so I love looking at others. What’s your idea for the other arm?
The solid fill is not the best are you getting it touched up? Nice design though i like it.
Thanks dude. I really like sleeved tattoos.. hence me getting them.
I am going with a rain forest theme on my other arm. I have always liked tribal art and the rain forest so that’s what I went with. Going to get a start on my other arm in about a month.
Thanks. I made the first part(upper bicep) myself and just let the artist add to it with his own design, which I really like.
Yes the solid fill is being touched up. He touches up the work as I go back. So each session starts off with him touching up the last sessions tattoo. The last session really made me scab badly, worse then I have ever before. That’s the parts you can really notice. I am going back in two weeks to have it fixed and to have more added.
It looks to me like he needs more practice, you shouldnt be having to get touched up each time you go back and it shouldnt scab that bad, he’s more than likely overworking the skin, needs some help with technique i would say.
Well I was back down to see him yesterday to have more added and he told me he was sent shitty ink. He was very pissed about it for 2 reasons.. have to do alot of free work on me and a few others and that we all had to walk around with his work, looking the way it did.. Thank god it`s all fixed now.
to be brutally honest, i dont like it, jus my 2 cents
tribal isnt me thing sorry , its been so over done since from dusk till dawn came out !!
but do yourself a favor get that one on your leg covered up .
its just free advertising 😀
hello all, here are some pics of the tattoos i have done. i bought my own kit a year ago and have been doing it ever since. only on family and friends though not as a buisness, i am not near good enough for that. the cross i did was on my brothers forearm and the scorpion was on my right leg from the knee to the ankle…….and yes right across the shin bone, man did that hurt but i mad it through. it was hard coloring down at my ankle, i had to prop my leg up and bend over really afr and boy did it stretch out my leg muscle in the back!!!:D:D i have never used practice skin nor have i tryed tattooing fruit, i just started doing them and was suprised by how well i did from the first one until now. my skills are getting better and my hand more steady. i have always tryed to use my own design and not find one from the internet or a book and if i did i would modify it and make it one of a kind. let me know what you think…….[/IMG]
the cross on my brothers arm was the first one i did on someone other than myself, it has since been redone with better tribal black and i added initials of his highschool friend who passed away.
im jus gonna leave this alone ^ and let someone else deal with it…lol
i like the design but it has a lot of holidays in it, you say he is fixing it all as you go back… lets hope soon it looks like it was supposed to do.
i would like to know what ink he bought if he says it was shitty, but i still blame it on technique……. sounds like he hamburgered your skin for it to scab up badly.
just my 2 pennies worth
personally i wouldnt let the dude near me with a machine
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