Hello everyone, I got this tattoo when I was young and dumb, and I was not thinking right. I know a symbol in my kanji tattoo means “Power”, but I was wanting to to double check and make sure thats all it meant. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you much.
I’m sorry, but after looking through my dictionary for almost thirty minutes, I cannot figure out what that kanji is supposed to be. The way it’s written seems to suggest that the three on top are one kanji, but I can’t find any kanji that looks like that. I can tell you what each piece says though. The top left one, by it self reads “husband”, or more, the humble name a wife would call her husband. The one under it looks like “earth or soil” but the bottom part should be a straight line, and not the arrow shaped thing; and the kanji on the right means “blade, sword, or edge (of a sword)”. The one on the bottom dose mean power. So, that’s really strange. Maybe it says “Husband with an earth-sword is power”; but like I said, the one on the top, being written the way it is suggest it’s one kanji. Maybe someone else here can help you.
I’m sorry, but after looking through my dictionary for almost thirty minutes, I cannot figure out what that kanji is supposed to be. The way it’s written seems to suggest that the three on top are one kanji, but I can’t find any kanji that looks like that. I can tell you what each piece says though. The top left one, by it self reads “husband”, or more, the humble name a wife would call her husband. The one under it looks like “earth or soil” but the bottom part should be a straight line, and not the arrow shaped thing; and the kanji on the right means “circle, full (month), or perfection”, but the horizontal line should be cutting across the vertical one. The one on the bottom dose mean power. So, that’s really strange. Maybe it says “Husband with a circle of soil is power”; but like I said, the one on the top, being written the way it is suggest it’s one kanji. Maybe someone else here can help you.
YES, that chinese character means POWER n STRENGTH 🙂
good deal, thank you all very much for your help, so it just stands for power and strength?
Oh, it’s Chinese, not Japanese. No wonder I couldn’t read it. (For the record, kanji is Japanese and hanzi is Chinese.)
oh im sorry, i was always told it was kanji, god i feel dumb having this on my body ;/
also , is there any possible way , you can find a site that can show me it means power,strength as well. would put my mind to rest ;o
I have as friend who is from Hong Kong but is fluent in Chinese and used to work as a translator. I will ask him to PDF me the characters for power and strength in both ancient and modern.
That way you can check them against your tattoo.
Take Care
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