just wanted to show off my first tattoo… its basicly my own stratocaster… im a hugeee music person (its going 24/7, quite literally haha) and have been playing guitar for just over 5 years… so after a few good months and a tree trunks worth of paper making sure its what i wanted, i booked up right away…
looking at other guitar tattoos, most are awful, i was pretty much shitting myself that it could go horribly wrong haha 🙂
http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs087.snc1/4614_94673414602_702514602_2751604_5450087_n.jpg (first pic is a bit squashed)
the design was from my own sketch
anyway.. personally im moreee than happy with the result… i love it :}
he also offered a bit of a touch up in a month or so
Hi Jon
I think that is a lovely piece of ink and should wear that with pride.
Take care
hey !
thanks alot bud 🙂
i can asure you it will be ;] haha
bit of a better picture there
hey! thanks 🙂
the tattoo took 2 hours and 5 mins… yes all i had to look at was the clock and a painting, haha 😀
Very nice tattoo………..I like the fact that it is personal to you.
Looks like you got it done by a pro too. Nice one.:)
very nice – I like that a lot – be proud!!
I like it!
You shoulda got a Les Paul! 😀
Looks great man, I’ve been playing for nearly 5 years now too, keep rockin’
haha, cheers… he did most of my dads tattoos so he was a trusted artist… he only charged me £60 for it too (friend of the family kind of thing)
sorry bud… im a fender person myself :p
I’m a Les Paul guy myself, but the tat came out great.
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