
    I am just wondering if I could get some tattoo artists or someone who is very knowledgable about tattooing to let me know if there is any way to cover this up. I already know what I am going to cover it up with if it is possible to be done.



    LOL not feelin that tatt no more ?

    well would help if you told us what you want to cover it with seeing that you already know ??
    it can be covered , but its going to have to be dark and you might even still be able to see it .


    nope. ever since i had a kid i havent really lived the same life i used to and this tattoo is a reflection of who i used to be and not who i am anymore.

    this is the general picture of what i am hoping to use as my cover up tattoo.


    without having loads of laser sessions i really dont think its possible . sorry !
    i think the best you can do with it is go along to a decent tattooist and let them design something to go over it , it will be a case of them choosing for you.

    we have some tattooist here on the forum that might have some ideas .


    really? ive heard that white goes over black really well when it comes to cover ups? mind you that is what i have heard and have no actual experience regarding cover ups and colors.


    i have some white over my cover up but its only small highlights and my old tattoo im covering is really faded to a light blue and not black like yours is .
    I never ever known an artist cover up a dark tattoo with lots of white



    Personally I like that tattoo – I am being serious with a bit of love that could be reworked into a serious statement – I am quite sympathetic as I have yet to meet a police officer that engendered respect.

    However I can understand if it is perhaps not your taste anymore.

    Laser is the best option for the writing but that said it would be possible to do a cover up if you were willing to use some darker colours where the stone work is along the top of the walkway. This would have to be more solid along the top to cover the writing.

    White can be used a little but would not work brilliantly on something as broad as that.

    If you are prepared to go big and get a pro artist a cover up is more than possible. With regards to the angel I would suggest more black and shade with white highlights as opposed to block white which may not work as well.

    Take Care



    you will need plenty of sessions with laser treatment to lighten it down, and as for using white….. white changes colour over time and becomes a creamy crappy pale yellow colour, especially in large areas like you need..

    sorry to be a mr negative, but i would rather tell it how it is and not lead you on with false hopes and dreams


    Lazer removal for sure……unless you can find harry potter and he might use his magic wand and zap it lmao


    i do have to laugh at the original lol……dont like the coppers i presume 😀 My father had JUSTICE SUCKS tattooed on his forehead while in prison….very embarrasing for him when the wind blew his hair up…mwahahaha

    halifax902;44926 wrote:
    really? ive heard that white goes over black really well when it comes to cover ups? mind you that is what i have heard and have no actual experience regarding cover ups and colors.

    The concept you are talking about is a long, expensive and not always successful method. You use a large magnum to color white solidly over the existing tattoo, then you let it heal for 6-8 weeks, then you come back with a large magnum and color flesh tones over the white. The two colors working together fade the tattoo out to a point where it can be covered with a color piece. You let that heal for 6-8 weeks then come back over it a 3rd time with your color piece. Something that uses a lot of dark tones like blues, purples, black, ect.

    Here’s the problem with it. White often disperses over time, so the initial white layer may break down after a year or so. The flesh tone isn’t opaque enough to cover on its own and the blues and purples won’t cover solid black without it being toned down, so there is a possibility that the original tattoo would be able to be seen after a year or so.

    Using that technique requires an extremely detailed color piece to cover with. To do something like the piece above would require tattooing the entire front torso. I could do it in Two sitting for white and flesh, each sitting about three to four hours at around $600.00 a sitting, for a total of $1,200.00, then I would need at least four sittings, and probably six for the torso work. Each sitting running about $800.00 for a minimum of $3,200.00 upwards to $4,800.00 depending on whether I can do it in four or six sittings.

    So I could cover that junk on you, but it would cost you $ $4,400-$6,000 by the time it was done, and I give no guarantee on the white. It might disperse, it might not.

    My suggestion?

    Laser surgery.



    I just wanted to clarify on my earlier post.

    Laser treatment is by far the best option. There is no way around that it would disperse the black nicely enough to allow a cover over with much more ease.

    My idea for the cover up would require that the writing be done over with black onyx style slabs that create the top of the walkway. This woudl require that you go very big and there would not be much detail in the top slabs over than a black band of rock.

    The hands could be covered over by a angel with a huge wing span but this would require a solid colour use rather than pale flesh tones.

    That said the cost would be huge as would require some major sittings and the results may not be fanstatic where there writing is.

    That said why not just get the tattoo reworked so you have a tribal piece over the writing as a banner and get the angel done beneath in solid colours with a tribal banner below so it does not look out of place and capturing the picture in between.

    Otherwise you are looking at prob 10-12 hits from a laser to lighten the writing.

    Take Care

    PS You want my personal opinion whilst offensive I still think that is a great tattoo and would rework it so that it looks a storming piece.

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