
    So I’m getting my second tattoo and just like the first one I know what I want, just not where I want it. I’m thinking smallish and on my wrist. My other tattoo is large and covers almost the whole top of my foot so I’m looking for something much smaller this time around. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.tattoo.jpg


    Wrist can look nice, but the big question, is how may this affect your current employment, or future employment?


    current employment is no problem, i won’t be the only one with a rather large bandaid on…future employment is also not an issue as it’s a very laid back field


    What are you considering having done?

    The wrist again is one where some employers do not like it but it is slowly becoming more acceptable in the uk as long as the ink is not offensive.

    Take care


    I personally would never even consider wrists, hands, face or neck – It simply ain’t gonna look cool when your in your 60’s & 70’s – but It’s your call!

    For what it’s worth, I also feel strongly that any responsible artist should refuse to tattoo these areas – I know some people disagree and say its individual choice and freedom of expression. I disagree, it’s stupidity!

    Maybe I speak this way because I have many yrs of regrets regarding my tattoo’s, but at least all mine are covered when I’m fully dressed, no body would even guess I had any 😎


    my wrist tattoo is easily hidden by a watch :rolleyes:

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