i decided a couple of weeks back that i would get a tattoo of my first real pets, my 2 rabbits called pixie and gizmo.
so i thought of where to put it, and i thought my tummy area would be a great place to put a portrait of them…i have a small tattoo on the other side of my belly and it didnt really hurt me, but thats because there isnt much detail in it.
so after getting the money together to get it done i did get it done today, and i never thought it was that painful! i nearly fainted when i stood up for the second time and i was litteraly crying through all the outline of it! (im such a wimp at times…)
i will post a pic of it when its settled =]
oh cool, one of my 1st pets was a lop eared rabbit called mitchel 🙁 he was so0oo0o sweet and i miss him.
i never had any tattoos near my tummy so i cant comment on that 😀
looking forward to seeing your pic
so this is my tattoo =]
unfortunatly i couldnt get a better pic so this one will have to do but will have my usb ports working soon hopefully so i can show you a better pic =]
aww so cute , i love it !
post a pic when its all healed plz 😉
i will if i can get my camera working again!
so ok it aint one of the best pics but until i start saving for an slr camera the pic will just have to do lol
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