American Infidel

sexy girl with sexy tattoos haha VERY NICE! :p


Outlaw; I already got the apprenticeship ^^ But I’m gonna finish my degree first, than start 🙂 He’s a fucking amazing artist. All his work is outstandig, won a lot of awards here in Norway.

and thanks to all ^^ Drew them myself,too. Kinda happy about just that 😛
Next sitting 12th and 13th december, we’re hoping to do about 10-12hours of work, and hopefully finish the entire arm 🙂


The tattoos looks awesome and so do you.
Hello Kitty looks so darn cute. XD


wow love the colours!x


Great colours girl, makes me proud to have pale skin too 🙂


thanks all ^^ And I love my pale skin 😛 Hey, I descend from a viking king ;P

Anyho. I’m finishing my entire arm in less than three weeks. It will pretty much go on the same way, and go in with a flower and a fairy I’ve got on my lower arm. So: Flowers, candy, a zombie kid, and a family heart will be put in there.
Just wondering; If anyone has got any ideas for what else I can do, or some good way to make the heart, the flowers, and the candy become one piece, kinda? 😛
(yeah yeah I know… getting tattooed in less than three weeks, and the scetch ain’t done yet… :p I work best under stress ;P )


Wow…that is all


You could get those miniscule black dotty stars done for fill, but I think that would be a waste of space and colour.
Bright coloured flames going all the way up your arm between tattoos would be cool, but I’m pretty biased about that 🙂


Yeah, I don’t like black dotty stars on myself :p can look cool, but I think it belongs with the old school style more!

I’m leaving tomorrow morning, starting on saturday morning 🙂
So far, this is the plan;
Some kind of zombie on the inside of my upper arm. Most likely a zombie-kid, in a dress, bow and all ^^ Combined with more candy and small skulls surrounding her. A family heart on the inside of my lower arm. Pink knucklebrasses (I think that’s what it’s called? you know, that metal thingy you put on your hand to punch someones face in.. 😛 ), with a bow going in between the holes(which will be shaped as hearts). I’m considering this for my elbow. Knuckles on the inside, bow on the elbow it self. Flowers on my lower arm, because I’ve already got two flowers and one fairy there.

All in bright colours,mainly neon green, pink, red, purple and blue! And yeah; I’m getting tattooed in two days, and the drawings are not even close to done. Not too worried about just that :p

has anyone got some input? some ideas? 🙂 I know it sounds messy right now, but I’ll make it work!
This arm will just simply be filled up with stuff that makes me happy and makes me smile, so the whole part about meaning is out. If anyone can think of something that would look cool, let me know!
(and the reason for not putting too much more stuff into it, is the fact that I’m freaking tiny. I’m like 5″. So I can’t fit too miuch! )

Really really excited right now! Can’t wait!


very nice, colors are great


You could probably fill your whole arm up with the little things that make you smile, and worry about a background theme afterwards 🙂
It could be a rainbow in a meadow, with a blue sky, or a night themed background, or even just a mix of your favourite colours in smoke. There’s a few possibilities, i’ll have a think about it a bit more.


Give the Zombie kid a pink Kalashnikov/AK 47 and lots of candy coloured bullets/casings dotted around. You really have the look! You’re the sort of pretty girl that’s good for ink.


Joker; Yeah, I’m not too worried about the background 🙂 Considering a pink skull background ^^ Just pink, and small pink skulls all around 😛

Dine; haha, sounds cool 😀 I’ll be tattooing a gun on my tigh later 🙂 I’ve been shooting with guns for a couple of years, so it actually have some meaning to me ;P (and in Norway, it takes a lot to actually shoot at all!! gun laws here are way strickt, good thing though)
And thank you so much ^^ I love my ink 🙂

Actually met this guy out on a pub tonight… I was wearing a sweater, so non of my tattoos were visable. He started bragging about his two tribal tattoos, and one lettering tattoo. When I showed off mine, even he had to admit that he got burned pretty bad 😛


I really like the cupcake with the skull above it! lol


Thats awesome, reminds me of Drop Dead art 😛

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