I know what I want for my sleeve, might want to incorporate another image or 2 but im pumped to get it done ! So in the mean time I want to see your guuys/girls. Doesnt matter what length, lets just see what ya got. I searched it but never comes up with many.
Here’s some pics I just took of my new 3/4 length Polynesian sleeve. I still have one more session to go in 2 weeks time.
On the inside –
Underarm –
That tattoo in the middle is from a few years back that I got on a whim, I’ve always liked it but when I went for my new one, my tattooist told me it was off center! That made it harder for him to work around it, but he has taken some pictures of it and he is going to redo the old tattoo so it fits in better with the new one. Can’t wait to see how it turns out.
Sorry for the poor quality, iphones suck for pictures.
EDIT: Haha just realised that the pictures are in reverse :S the tattoo is on my right arm, not my left lol
looks good man. keep postin pics up the more you get done.
Keep em comin !
Fuckin awesome man. Like it a lot !
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