very nice piece, pennywise is an awesome cheracter and the movie is one of my favourites.
you dont see many tattoo’s with him as the subject, your artist has done a great job of this and his technique is great, i love how he just added some power lines to the doll and kept the pennywise piece as outline free, great choice of colours and real sweet shading… who is the artist and what studio ??
PS…. its one of the best pieces i have seen posted up for a while
good quality tattoo but creeps me out :rolleyes: big style
the artist of my tattoo is Antoine (Psilografx)
he works here :
his myspace is here :
he works here :
his myspace is here :
thanx for that
Your ink makes my scrotum want to hide up inside of my body. It’s that creepy. Good job man, good artist.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
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