nice…but i never see those kinda designs in polynesian tattoos. and ive seen A LOT! heres actually a myspace photo album from a local tattooist who specializes in polynesian tattoos. one of the best on the island IMO….
another local tattooist who is also really good…
i live on maui, hawaii btw:cool:
your like me dude, im dying for work on my lower arms, but people are telling me to wait till i have found a good job etc etc etc balls balls fucking shit arse whatever etc etc. sooner or later i’ll just do it :p – its a nice tattoo if you like that kind of thing, i like how polynesian styles are not just tribal but a mixture of different things like swirls and wind and stars. Be proud! i dont know about the finishing off in japanese.. maybe save that for your other arm.

i got alot of people asking me why did i do it, i just say i liked it because i dont feel like explaining what i learned about the polynesian culture…eventually im doing a full sleeve once i find my going to finish in japanese lol.
just got it finished.,
I like it. It’s very interesting to look at. Being a full sleeve would really rock it out but it is better to wait until you have established a career..just to be on the safe side. Altho it totally ticks me off when people judge without even bothering to understand.
I’d be one of the dorks that would ask you “what does it mean to you & why did ya get it?” lol
That rocks. I really like it.
i actually thought about throwing pink lotus flowers in there but then thats mixing styles and idk how weird that would look you know?
Thats what my dad was like as well, then again i didnt tell anyone i was getting one. My plan is to have my back filled by the time i graduate college in 2-3 years and keep everything within tshirt coverable range. After that…. im think ill save my arms and legs for the next 10-20 years once i know what i actually will be doing in life.
another local tattooist who is also really good…
i live on maui, hawaii btw:cool:
I was conflicted as to weather to point out that it is not any kind of polynesian work I have seen! Living in NZ and living in an area that is pradominantly samoan, rarotongan,fijian and also Maori(which it seems to take elements from) its not like anything I have seen at the swimming pool!! LOL
It looks like a crazy hibrid of a mixture of styles. Not to say its not a nice tattoo but I wouldn’t discribe it as polynesian style.
Very nice and it’s been well done as well.
My sleeve was based on Polynesian style tattoos as well, and I’ve had the same responses from people who know jack about tattoos, but when people ask me I just tell them it’s like abstract art and I think it looks cool! My old tattoo which is covered up by it now gave my artist a real nightmare as it wasn’t straight! I was gutted when he told me.
Not gonna hijack your thread lol very nice work!
I’m glad you posted a better pic with light quality and angle, as well as a closeup. That said, love the way the fill ins were done, as it seems to be very smooth. Looks like your skin takes ink very well so kudos for that. This tat kind of reminds me of the Rock’s tattoo, which is absolute badass. I can see you extending this to your pec and make it a continuous sleeve. All around sweetness.
It is not something I would get, but I like it a lot. Very clean line work. You should be proud of that one.
So I am finally going to finish this piece, 2 years later. Planning to go a little further down my arm, around the whole arm, onto my chest and a little on my back. I believe that this shop is no longer in business so I need to go to a new shop. Any suggestions on what I should tell my new artist on how to finish this piece?
Sorry dude, can’t help with your question but just to say (as I missed it when first posted) that I like your ink, it looks nicely done and is a bit different to the norm ๐
Line work is bang on. I find the design a bit strange with the sun and almost checkered flag look to it but still very sold work looks like the black has been put in well.
Rose Price who tattooed me a few years back in Chester did a really good leg piece but can’t find it on the web.
Just googled this style I didn’t realise there was so many options some cool as fuck too. ๐
i like the way the tattoo is done. when will it be finshed ?
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